CCRI Capacity Building Workshop – Malaysia

A Rumanau man preparing to collect wild honey bees. Usually in the months of July and August, wild bees will only build their hives on the Manggaris tree. (Photo taken in Mangkawago, Tongod, Sabah, by Kinilius@ PACOS Trust)
As part of the 2016 World Indigenous Peoples Day (Perayaan Hari Orang Asal Sedunia) celebrations in Malaysia, a one-day workshop on community conservation will be held on 8 August 2016 at Taman Botani in Shah Alam, Malaysia. More than 100 members of Indigenous Peoples from across the country’s three unique regions – Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia – are expected to attend. The workshop aims to: (a) share experiences and good practices with the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) in Sabah and other community conservation efforts across the country; (b) disseminate information on the Sustainable Development Goals and discuss how they relate to Indigenous Peoples in Malaysia; and (c) strengthen knowledge on gender and gender issues amongst Indigenous Peoples in Malaysia. The workshop will include presentations and interactive breakout group discussions on topics such as the meaning of sustainability, development and conservation for Indigenous Peoples in Malaysia, and community-identified priorities for supporting community conservation.
The workshop is organised by Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah (PACOS Trust:, GFC’s CCRI partner in Malaysia, as well as Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS:, the National Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia.
For more information, please contact:
Gordon John Thomas (PACOS Trust): gordonjohnthomas (at)
Holly Jonas (GFC): holly (at)