Informe Paralelo Global Women2030: La igualdad de género sobre el terreno

Conclusiones y recomendaciones feministas para lograr la Agenda 2030
Este informe paralelo global tiene como objetivo capturar el trabajo diverso e inspirador que se ha hecho a través del programa Women2030 durante los últimos cinco años, al que la Coalición Mundial por los Bosques y sus grupos miembros han contribuido ampliamente. Ofrece perspectivas de la sociedad civil de abajo hacia arriba y basadas en evidencias sobre el progreso de los ODS y la igualdad de género con un enfoque en las prioridades feministas clave, las barreras estructurales y las oportunidades de cambio. El informe concluye con las recomendaciones feministas y un llamado a la acción para los gobiernos, las organizaciones internacionales, los movimientos de derechos de las mujeres y otros grupos de sociedad civil para asegurar el logro la Agenda 2030 para todxs.
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Over the past five years (2016-2020) Women2030 country partners have produced 38 shadow reports to government’s Voluntary National Reviews on the state of the implementation of the SDGs. The reports are based on desk research, multi-stakeholders’ consultations and participatory gender assessments involving 2,414 people across 20 countries, based on a bottom-up methodology captured in the Women2030 gender impact assessment and monitoring tool.
The country reports provide an evidence-base for monitoring government action and progress on women’s rights and are used as advocacy tools in different policy processes including the High Level Political Forum and Commission on the Status of Women. Four regional reports covering Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia were produced by the coalition partners. This global shadow report provides a synthesis of the findings of the national and regional reports and the experiences of Women2030 over the past years.
Recognizing the diversity in country reports in terms of focus and data availability, the report highlights key feminist priorities, progress and structural barriers across countries, as well as best practices and opportunities for change.A systemic, feminist and intersectional lens has helped to analyse systemic barriers and dynamics of power, inclusion and exclusion that are crucial to address when working to achieve the SDGs – and SDG 5 in particular.
The Women2030 partners are proud to share this work with you and keen to work together towards a gender just sustainable world.