Statement in response to the assassination of Venezuelan indigenous leader Virgilio Trujillo Arana

Communiqué from the National Ecosocialist Front for Life (FRENESVI):
In view of the vile murder of Virgilio Trujillo Arana, of the Uwottujja Indigenous community, in Autana, Venezuela (Amazonas State), on June 30, we raise our voices in repudiation of the irregular forces that have unleashed terror and murder against the leaders, defenders of Mother Earth and worthy heirs of the ancestral wisdom of the native peoples who have resisted the onslaught of these groups that violently impose the logic of death of capitalist extractivism in native territories.
We call on the National Government of Venezuela to not only apprehend the assassins, but also to strengthen governance in the states of Amazonas and Bolivar.
Let us not allow one more death.
Read a news article about this.