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Nous ne pouvons pas atteindre la justice climatique sans justice de genre : une réponse aux pourparlers de Glasgow

Éditorial de Jeanette Sequeira et Coraina de la Plaza, Ms. Magazine, 21 novembre 2021–Avec le début des pourparlers internationaux sur le climat à Glasgow, un grand nombre de personnes est las des programmes politiques trompeurs et défaillants mis de l’avant par les gouvernements et les gros pollueurs. Le discours sur le climat continue d’être dominé par les gouvernements et les lobbies des entreprises, plutôt que par les communautés de première ligne et la société civile.

Op-ed by Jeanette Sequeira and Coraina de la Plaza, Ms. Magazine, 21 November 2021–With the international climate talks beginning in Glasgow, many are weary of the deceptive and failing policy agendas that governments and big polluters are pushing. The narrative around the climate continues to be dominated by governments and corporate lobbies, rather than by frontline communities and civil society.

The climate strategies being devised often avoid urgent action, as explained in a recent report that showed how these strategies don’t respond to the needs and wellbeing of the most affected and underrepresented groups, particularly Indigenous and rural women, who hold the least responsible for the crisis, and in fact have the most effective solutions to offer.

The lack of political will to tackle the root causes of the climate crisis or remove the systemic barriers that stand in the way of effective action is rapidly driving us to the point of no return. This is blatantly clear with the popular ‘Net Zero’ pledges by governments and polluting industries. Upon closer look, it is evident that they actually serve to block meaningful action. Market-based schemes that place market values on nature, reforestation schemes with monoculture plantations, so-called nature-based solutions and large-scale bioenergy are more examples of failing approaches. Led by a misogynist and until recently climate-denying presidency, COP 26 is a vivid example of how this narrative is being pushed onto the global climate agenda disguised as truly transformative climate action.


Continue reading at Ms. Magazine

17 nov., 2021
Posted in Actualités, GFC in the news