Will the Paris Agreement undermine SDG 15.2?

We hereby would like to invite all who will be in the UN Climate Change Conference May 2016 (SB 44), Bonn, Germany for an inspiring side event:
Will the Paris Agreement undermine SDG 15.2?
Through Sustainable Development Goal 15 countries have committed to zero deforestation by 2020, biodiversity conservation and enhancing “reforestation and afforestation”. The event will discuss potential conflicts between this SDG and the Paris Agreement, and the role of community conservation.
Speakers: Simone Lovera, Global Forest Coalition (Paraguay) Maureen Santos, Heinrich Boell Foundation (Brazil), Simon Fischer (GFC Germany), Coraina de la Plaza (GFC Spain)
For the presentation by Coraina de la Plaza see: the Forest Investment Program – Recent Developments and Monoculture Tree Plantations, .
Moderator: Estebancio Castro Diaz, International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests (Panama)
Monday, 16 May 2016, from 16:45 to 18:15. Venue: Bonn I/II (89)
Mary Louise Malig
+63 918 9456353
Details of the event can be seen at UNFCCC page here.