Global Forest Coalition Members Assembly

The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) held its first ever Members’ Assembly held back to back to the Fostering Community Conservation Conference, from 1-6 September 2015, in Durban. The objectives of the Assembly were amongst others:
– Evaluate and discuss ways to strengthen the campaigns, communications and governance structure of GFC
– Discuss what GFC, as a coalition, could undertake in order to strengthen the resilience of community conservation and sustainable livelihoods
A full report of the Members’ Assembly will be available in December but in the meantime, GFC is happy to report its new roster of Board Members:
Alejandro Diego Cardona, Chair and Secretary
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Vice-chair
Rachel Smolker, Treasurer
Fiu Mata’ese Elisara-La’ulu, Member
Dil Raj Khanal, Member
Anna Kirilenko, Member
The Membership also adopted decisions on the new structure of GFC along with updating the mission and vision and campaign thematics. Details will all be available in the upcoming Assembly report.
We also collaborated with Timberwatch Coalition ( and other groups in the organisation of a series of civil society events parallel to and at the World Forestry Congress (which was also held in Durban) in order to highlight specific threats facing the world’s forests and ways of addressing them.
Thanks to the generous support of the Siemenpuu Foundation, we had limited funding available to support the participation of one representative per GFC member group in these GFC events. Please contact for more information.