COP 16 Side Event Business, Biodiversity and Finance: Peace or Conflict with Nature?
Monday 21 October, 13:20 pm Colombia Standard Time / 18h20 UTC
In this side event, we will evaluate the different proposals made by businesses and other actors with vested interests to contribute to Peace with Nature.
Do climate and biodiversity offsets and credits, bioenergy, synthetic biology, and gene drives contribute to peace between humans, and between humanity and nature? Or will they lead to more conflict?
How can the CBD protect IPs/LCs, women, youth, and small farmers and fishers who generate, restore and protect biodiversity and feed millions without destructive impacts on biodiversity? And how should finance be transformed so that it contributes to true peace with Nature?
When : Monday 21 October, 13:20, heure de Colombie (UTC-5)
Where : Blue Zone, Chiribiquete – Asia and the Pacific meeting room, Plaza One
Who : CBD Alliance