CCRI Workshop in Tanzania

When the Snows are Gone: The CCRI Capacity Building Workshop in Tanzania
On 26 and 27 January 2017, a capacity building workshop on the methodology of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative was organised in the Lutheran Uhuru Hotel in Moshi, Tanzania. The meeting was organised by Envirocare, GFC’s member group in Tanzania. More than 30 people participated, including representatives of local authorities and the two communities that are currently performing a participatory assessment of the resilience of their conservation initiatives: Siha and Kahe.
Both communities depend for their water resources on the rivers that stream from the nearby Kilimanjaro mountain, but global warming has caused a dramatic decline of the Kilimanjaro snowcap that formed the source of this water. As a result, both communities are facing droughts and conflicts over the remaining water resources. Communities recognised that trees and other vegetation play a key role in enhancing the remaining water resources, so it was agreed that current forest and water conservation and restoration initiatives should be strengthened to enhance the overall resilience of the local communities and their traditional agriculture and livestock production practices. A full report of the assessment will be published early 2018.
For more information, please contact:
Salome Kisenge,
Simone Lovera,, or
Kureeba David:
Photo credit: GregMontani on Pixabay