Webinar: Dismantling Systems of Oppressions to Protect Forests and Communities
WHO: GFC member groups are invited to participate in this workshop, facilitated by Johanna Molina of Colectivo VientoSur
WHAT: Webinar/capacity building workshop for GFC member groups, entitled:
Emancipation School: Dismantling Systems of Oppressions to Protect Forests and Communities
WHERE: Over zoom, with interpretation in English, Spanish, and French
WHEN: Friday, April 25th, 2025, from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC (8-10am NYC, 9:00 Santiago de Chile)
WHY: The objective is to reflect and share collective experiences on gender justice in forest conservation to strengthen the work of GFC members, allies, community organizations, and women’s groups linked to gender justice and forest protection as strategic regional and local priorities.
To participate, please send an email to the Gender Justice and Forests Campaign coordinator, Valentina: valentinafmartinez [at] globalforestcoaliltion.org