The Peoples’ Pathway for Biodiversity: Community perspectives on the CBD post-2020 strategic plan

Wednesday 10 July, 13:15 pm, Room C – 1st floor
Indigenous Peoples and local communities are the custodians of much of the world’s biodiversity but they also bear the brunt of forces that threaten biodiversity. Ensuring Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ full and effective participation and genuine inclusion in the process to develop the post-2020 framework is an important way for CBD Parties to recognise and respect the former’s rights and responsibilities to their territories – a culture of stewardship from which the whole world benefits.
Rightsholder groups, such as women, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, children and youth, and farmers (including fisher folks and livestock producers) and workers require specific, institutionalised channels of participation so that their invaluable experiences and perspectives can be included in the post-2020 strategic plan.
Participants to the Fostering Community Conservation II Conference that will take place from 4 to 8 July 2018 in Montreal will elaborate a vision on the role and rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women in the post-2020 CBD strategic plan. The side event will feature the presentation of this “Peoples’ Pathway for Biodiversity”.
This Side Event is going to bring together a comprehensive and holistic perspective of the Indigenous Peoples, local communities and other rightsholders groups, including women, towards developing the post 2020 strategic plan built on the learning and experiences from the strategic plan 2011-2020 process and mechanism which will bring the rights holders at the forefront of the preparatory process.
Organised by: Friends of the Siberian Forests (Russia), Iniciativa Amatocodie (Paraguay), BIOM (Kyrgyzstan), the All India Forum of Forest Movements and the Global Forest Coalition, in collaboration with other IPOs and NGOs.