Making Connections: Fossil Fuel, Forests And Land Rights

The Global Forest Coalition joined From the Ground Up #2: Take Action Now, a global gathering that took place 22-25 April 2021 and was hosted by the COP26 Coalition. With our member groups Biofuelwatch (UK), FASE (Brazil) & Justiça Ambiental (Mozambique) we’re hosted an event on Making connections – the importance of collaborations between fossil fuel, forest, and land rights campaigning.
The session took place on Friday 23rd April 23rd 10:30 to 12:00 BST (UTC+1), and was interpretation in Portuguese.
Short inputs from speakers from three different organisations/countries were presented:
1) Justiça Ambiental (Friends of the Earth Mozambique), whose climate justice campaigns involve campaigning against oil and gas extraction, monoculture tree plantations, and big hydro dams;
2) FASE (Brazil), whose campaigning links land-grabbing, monoculture plantations, big fossil fuel companies as well as proposed “Nature-based solutions”;
3) Biofuelwatch (UK), whose #AxeDrax campaign has aimed to prevent the UK’s largest power station from burning wood pellets, coal, and gas alike, building alliances with fossil fuel campaigners.
These were followed by discussions in breakout rooms about lessons from those campaigns and ideas for how to strengthen and build similar collaborations between fossil fuel, forest, and land rights campaigners elsewhere.