Effective Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Collective Action, ICCAs and Other Community Conservation Initiatives in National Reporting Processes and the Fifth Edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook

Wednesday, 11 July, 13.15 pm, Room: A – 1st floor
CBD Parties have recognised the role of collective actions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities and non-market-based approaches – including (inter alia) through territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) – for mobilising resources to achieve the objectives of the Convention (Decision XII/3, para 29). Despite this, past national reports and editions of the GBO have contained relatively limited information on ICCAs and other community conservation initiatives, despite their significant knowledge and other contributions to biodiversity. The first edition of the Local Biodiversity Outlooks was well received as a crucial source of information about the contributions of Indigenous peoples and local communities to biodiversity and CBD COP13 requested the preparation of a second edition of the Local Biodiversity Outlooks (Decision XIII/29, para. 2). The information in the Local Biodiversity Outlooks and other information provided by Indigenous Peoples and local communities should be fully included and recognised in the forthcoming sixth national reports and fifth edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook. This is also closely linked to SBI-2 Agenda Item 8 on resource mobilisation, which will consider the methodological guidance on assessing the contributions of Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ collective action to the Convention and Strategic Plan.
The side event will bring together the experiences and good practice recommendations of IPLCs and other rightsholder groups, including women, in assessing the contributions of collective action to the CBD, particularly regarding their effective participation in national reporting processes, and the need to appropriately recognise and include their traditional knowledge, worldviews and practices on biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods in the overall CBD framework. Thus it directly addresses SBI-2 Agenda Item 13 as well as Agenda Item 14 in relation to integration of Article 8(j) and related provisions in the work of the Convention. The side event will also provide a platform for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to voice their concerns and recommendations about making the CBD’s mechanisms for review of implementation (SBI-2 Agenda Item 12) more comprehensive and participatory in the post-2020 framework.