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#DivestFactoryFarming campaign skill share

28 Apr 2021
Zoom meeting @ 11am EST/4pm UK/9pm Central Asia. In English with Spanish, French and Russian interpretation

Join the #DivestFactoryFarming campaign partners for a skill share on Wednesday, April 28th at 11am EST/4pm UK/9pm Central Asia

Industrial animal agriculture is a major culprit of increased deforestation and biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emissions, and animal rights violations, not to mention a potential source of new pandemics. An estimated 14.5% of all anthropogenic GhG emissions come from the industrial livestock sector. But big multilateral development banks like the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development continue to invest heavily in this harmful industry despite their stated commitments to the environment and people around the world. To top it off, they are funded through our taxes in the form of contributions from governments.

As the #DivestFactoryFarming campaign grows, we welcome your participation to coordinate our work and strengthen the campaign. Whether you are already working on this issue or interested in getting involved, let’s join forces to call out the development banks and hold them accountable, emphasizing what true sustainable development investments look like and helping to curtail industrial livestock farming and foster agro-ecological practices that benefit both people’s livelihoods and the environment.

The session is scheduled for 2.5hrs, and interpretation will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Russian. The full program will be announced soon.

Join the meeting here.