Livestock, Biosequestration and Forests: Closing the ‘Reality Gap’ in Climate and Land Use Policy and Finance
The top five meat and dairy companies combined emit more than either Exxon, Shell or BP. Large-scale biosequestration proposals pretend to compensate such greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, but the corporate capture of climate finance will lead to a prioritisation of monoculture tree plantations, with devastating impacts on climate resilience, biodiversity, and the lands and livelihoods of indigenous peoples, local communities and women. Climate policies in the livestock and forest sectors are not only interrelated but will determine whether we get on a 1.5 degree pathway without compromising environmental integrity, food security and human rights.
A roundtable of experts from various regions will discuss how climate policy and finance can be redirected to address the real drivers of global warming in a just way.
Speakers: Doreen Stabinsky, for Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, USA, Tesfaye Gonfa, REDD+ regional manager, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ruth Zenaida Buendía Mestoquiari, Ashaninka Central of the Ene River, Peru, Li Li, Good Food Initiative/Brighter Green, China, Coraina de la Plaza, Global Forest Coalition, Spain, Marcela Vecchione, Grupo do Carta do Belem, Brazil, moderated by Simone Lovera, Global Forest Coalition, Paraguay.
12 November 2017, 11:30 – 13:00, Meeting Room 4 (inside the conference centre)