CCRI Workshop in Ghana

The capacity-building workshop on the community conservation resilience assessment in Ghana took place on 9 and 10 February in Ho, in the Volta region. More than 30 people participated, including representatives of the three communities that are involved in the Ghanese CCRI, government representatives, gender experts and experts in the legal aspects of community conservation in Ghana. The meeting was organised by The Development Institute, a Ghanese NGO that is supporting several communities in their efforts to conserve and restore their territories and areas within the framework of the country-wide Community Resources Management (CREMA) scheme.
The workshop included skillshares on the CCRI methodology, gender analysis, strategic planning and policies and laws in Ghana that could support community conservation. It also included testimonies by the communities on their efforts to conserve and restore the forests and wetlands in their territory, and the challenges and obstacles they encountered, including socio-economic obstacles, the threat of invasive aquatic weeds and the challenge to strengthen community governance systems so that all members of the communities adhered to and supported the conservation initiatives. During the evaluation many community members and other participants expressed appreciation of the skills acquired. They particularly highlighted some new insights about the role of women in community conservation, and the need to ensure women’s empowerment at the local level.
A full report of the workshop will be included in the national CCRI report which will be published by the end of 2017.
For more information, please contact:
Ken Kinney,
Simone Lovera,, or
Kureeba David:
Photo credit: mexolife, Pixabay