Asia Pacific Community Conservation Resilience Skillshare and Women2030 Media and Gender Training

The Asia Pacific Community Conservation Resilience Skillshare was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 19-20 March 2017, and the Women2030 Media and Gender Trainings took place directly afterwards from 21-24 March 2017.
The goals of the meetings were to create a regional platform for sharing skills and experience, and to discuss and develop joint strategies between Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) participants, Women2030 partners and other interested groups and communities. The meetings provided an opportunity to develop practical tools and methodologies aimed at promoting and strengthening the resilience of community conservation, and the empowerment of women in sustainable development policies. Sessions will focus on media strategies, fundraising, methods for advocacy and other important topics.
The meetings were open to all Global Forest Coalition members, friends and allies, including representatives of Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations, local communities and women’s groups. A full report will be coming soon. In the meantime, for any information, please contact: Mrinalini Rai and Souparna Lahiri, who are Global Forest Coalition Regional Resource Persons ( and
Credit photo: Karl-Heinz Gutmann/Pixabay