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COP 16 Events

COP 16 Conferencias de prensa y eventos paralelos

GFC Conferencias de prensa


Eventos paralelos de la GFC


Lunes, 21 October

Compensaciones y créditos por biodiversidad: examinando riesgos y desafíos

Zona Azul, Malpelo – Sala de reuniones Grupo 1 de Contacto, Plaza Uno

Este evento paralelo convocará a expertos de diferentes organizaciones de la sociedad civil que ofrecerán una inmersión profunda en las brechas y riesgos de los mercados de biodiversidad.

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Negocios, biodiversidad y finanzas: ¿paz o conflicto con la naturaleza?

Zona Azul, Chiribiquete – Salón de reuniones Asia y Pacífico, Plaza Uno

En este evento paralelo evaluaremos las diferentes propuestas realizadas por empresas y otros actores con intereses creados para contribuir a la Paz con la Naturaleza.

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Martes, 22 October


Evento paralelo de la COP 16: Enfoque de género y de derechos para frenar la pérdida de biodiversidad

22 Oct 2024

Zona Azul, Pabellón Colombia, Cali, Colombia

Únase a nosotros en un interesante evento paralelo que destaca el papel crucial de las mujeres, los jóvenes, los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales y afrodescendientes para detener la pérdida de biodiversidad y promover acciones transformadoras.

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Actos y acciones de los grupos miembros y aliados de la GFC

Lunes, 21 October

Business, Biodiversity and Finance: Peace or Conflict with Nature?

CBD Alliance – Monday, 21 October, 13:20 – Blue Zone: Chiribiquete, Asia and the Pacific room

Biodiversity Offsets and Credits: examining risks and challenges

TWN | GYBN | FOE | GFC – Monday, 21 October, 18:00 – Blue Zone: Malpelo, Contact Group 1 room


Miércoles, 23 October

Women’s Land, Coastal and Water Rights: From Global Commitments to Local Actions

CBD Women Caucus | ILC | ICCA Consortium | and others – Wednesday, 23 October, 11:40 – Blue Zone: Cocuy, Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room’

Breaking Ground on Youth Indicators for Biodiversity

GYBN | UNESCO – Wednesday, 23 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Mavecure, Business and Industry Organizations room

Climate geoengineering and biodiversity – why the CBD needs to affirm precaution

ETC Group | HBF | TWN | IEN | CIEL | CoA  – Wednesday, 23 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Cano Cristales, CEE room

Current guidance on risk assessment with focus on gene drive organisms is unfit for purpose

ENSSER | TWN | EcoNexus | VDW – Wednesday, 23 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Nuqui, Academia & Research room


Jueves, 24 October

Look Before We Leap: Why the CBD Needs Horizon Scanning, Monitoring and Assessment

EcoNexus | ETC Group | CBD Women Caucus – Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Sanquianga, GRULAC

Biodiversity and Climate Change: when policies collide

FOE | ECONEXUS – Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Paramos, NGO room

Incentives for Target 22: Spotlighting Investor-ready Youth-led Solutions Towards Effective Implementation of the Biodiversity Plan in Africa

GYBN Africa | IUCN  – Thursday, 24 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Cocuy, Marie Khan Women’s Caucus room


Lunes, 28 October

Why development banks must stop financing factory farming

Green zone – Monday, 28 October – Stop Financing Farming Coalition, Global Forest Coalition


Eventos sobre género


Side event “Gender-responsive and Rights-based Approach to Halt Biodiversity Loss: Peoples’ Solutions to Save the Planet”

Organized by the Global Forest Coalition (GFC)

October 22, 2024

Blue zone, Colombia pavilion 

Time: 10:30 am – 11:15 am

More information here.


Young ecofeminists: celebrating grassroots women and feminist frontline defenders

Organized by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) International / The Netherlands 

October 22, 2024

Green Zone, Cámara de Comercio de Cali – Auditorio Principal, Cll. 8 #3-14, Centro, Cali, Valle del Cauca

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm

More information here.


Side event Women’s Land, Coastal and Water Rights: From Global Commitments to Local Actions 

Organized by CBD Women Caucus | ILC | ICCA Consortium | COOPESOLIDAR | RRI | EcoMaxei | FARN | RWI | GNHRE | TINTA | WWF | WM-GATC 

October 30, 2024

Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room

Plaza One

More information here.  


Side event Enhancing Support for IP&LC-Led Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Forests to Sustain Water Cycles: Policy Action and Best Practices for Integrating Human Rights-based and Gender-responsive Approaches 

Organized by the Green Livelihoods Alliance: IUCN NL, Gaia, NTFP-EP, FoEI, Tropenbos, Global Forest Coalition (GFC), A Rocha Ghana, Savia Bolivia.

October 31, 2024


Blue Zone, Netherlands Pavilion

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