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At International Meeting on Sustainable Future, Women are Referred to in Unacceptable Terms

22 jun., 2013

Statement by the Women’s Major Group, June 21, 2013 The Women’s Major Group, composed of 420 organizations from 80 countries, participated in the 4th Open Working Group Session on Sustainable Development from 17 to 19 June 2013. We were very pleased to hear numerous governments make statements on the importance of creating the environments necessary for girls, women and young people to be healthy, educated, and to have access to livelihoods, a living wage, and decent work in the Post …

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14 may., 2013

Foreword: Seed diversity and agrobiodiversity worldwide face the growing threat of market liberalisation, including the FTA between India and the EU that will only suit agribusinesses. To safeguard seed diversity and farmers’…

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