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United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF10)

17 abr., 2013

United Nations Forum on Forests Forestry (UNFFF?) From April 8 to 19th, the 10th UN Forum on Forests is held in Istanbul, Turkey. The main focus for this forum is forest finance, so where to get money for forests in times of crisis – which is pretty much the same question many other forums are asking… Of course, yet again, the private sector is there to ‘save-the-day’, in this case forests. But this is not out of altruism. Of course, the …

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REDD+ Offsets Don’t Add Up

4 abr., 2013

cross-posted from – New Food & Water Europe Report Shows Why Use of International Forest Offsets Won’t Reduce Carbon Emissions Brussels — Developments in the United States may lead to…

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IPBES: An Unbearable Burden

20 feb., 2013

By S.Faizi (cross-posted from Surplus income of some countries and under-employed experts when combined together can create global havocs. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)…

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