45th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition

We are happy to announce the 45th issue of Forest Cover, the Global Forest Coalition newsletter on international policy processes related to forests and forest people’s rights. The editorial by our Board member Mary Lou Malig describes some of the main implications of the outcomes of the last Ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization, followed by an overview of the latest climate negotiations and how current agreements like REDD+ fail to address key drivers of forest loss and climate change like unsustainable livestock production.
Meena Bilgi of WOCAN writes about the preparations for the UN Environment Assembly and Isis Alvarez reports on the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals and its discussions related to Ecosystems and Biodiversity. UNFF NGO focal point Andrey Laletin writes about Major Group’s engagement in the discussions on future international arrangements on forests. And lastly, our Latin American Indigenous focal point Marcial Arias reports on the outcomes of the COICA IX Congress in Colombia.
Forest Cover is also available in Spanish. Visit our website in Spanish: http://www.globalforestcoalition.net/es/1298-cobertura-forestal-no-45
21 may., 2014
Posted in Forest Cover, Defending Rights, Bosques y Cambio Climático