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Canada, UK given ‘Dodo Awards’ by Civil Society – Governments Singled out on Geo-engineering, Biofuels and Financing

17 oct., 2012

Hyderabad, India.  October 17.   The Dodo Bird is coming to Hyderabad, to give the Dodo Awards to those governments who have failed to evolve, and whose actions at the CBD are contributing to, rather than preventing, biodiversity loss. And the Dodo Bird has spoken – the awards go to Canada and the UK. Canada is the clear leader, for breaching the moratorium on ocean fertilization and geo-engineering adopted by the CBD in 2008 and 2010, said Silvia Ribeiro of ETC …

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GFC’s Biofuels Statement at COP11

12 oct., 2012

Thank you chair, I am speaking on behalf of Biofuelwatch, EcoNexus, Timberwatch and other NGO members of the Global Forest Coalition. There is now significant scientific evidence of direct and…

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