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Groups Globally Oppose Plans to Burn Wood for Electricity Citing Impacts on Forests, Climate, Communities

24 avr., 2013

For Immediate Release   24 April 2013 London, England – In conjunction with an action in London today outside of the Drax power plant, organizations and networks from around the world released an Open Letter expressing opposition to plans by UK utility Drax to burn nearly 16 million tonnes of mostly imported wood biomass, in a coal power station [1]. Drax is one of several European companies converting older power stations from burning coal to burning wood pellets or co-firing pellets …

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REDD Fiddlers on a Burning Roof

18 avr., 2013

Before we report on the national workshop on REDD Safeguards Information Systems and Conflict Resolution mechanisms, which took place from 8 to 12 April in Paraguay, let us talk briefly…

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REDD+ Offsets Don’t Add Up

4 avr., 2013

cross-posted from – New Food & Water Europe Report Shows Why Use of International Forest Offsets Won’t Reduce Carbon Emissions Brussels — Developments in the United States may lead to…

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11 mars, 2013

In the dense semi-evergreen forests of Chilapata in North Bengal Dooars, the Adibasi residents of the forest villages of the area once again face police action because they have challenged the forest…

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IPBES: An Unbearable Burden

20 févr., 2013

By S.Faizi (cross-posted from Surplus income of some countries and under-employed experts when combined together can create global havocs. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)…

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