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People’s Manifesto for Biodiversity, 16-10-12

18 oct., 2012

People’s Biodiversity Festival, 13-16 October, 2012, Hyderabad 1. We are alarmed that the CBD that came into existence as a promising international treaty for the conservation, sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits of biodiversity has not only failed to meet its objectives, but – as the COP 11 unfolds – it has degenerated into an international arrangement to promote and facilitate the corporate control of our biodiversity. 2. We reject the narrow definition of access and …

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GFC’s Biofuels Statement at COP11

12 oct., 2012

Thank you chair, I am speaking on behalf of Biofuelwatch, EcoNexus, Timberwatch and other NGO members of the Global Forest Coalition. There is now significant scientific evidence of direct and…

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