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Statement to the African regional meeting of the 2013 World Economic Forum

10 mai, 2013

*cross-posted from African Women’s Development Fund We the undersigned participants at a strategic meeting on Women’s Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods, held in Cape Town on 3-4 May under the auspices of the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), wish to communicate the following key messages from our deliberations to the World Economic Forum – Africa meeting “Delivering on Africa’s Promise”, 8-10 May 2013. We welcome the new positive image of “Africa Rising,” and stand proud of the achievements of the continent’s women and men against overwhelming odds. As partners in the efforts to ensure that Africa’s growth …

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REDD Fiddlers on a Burning Roof

18 avr., 2013

Before we report on the national workshop on REDD Safeguards Information Systems and Conflict Resolution mechanisms, which took place from 8 to 12 April in Paraguay, let us talk briefly…

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REDD+ Offsets Don’t Add Up

4 avr., 2013

cross-posted from – New Food & Water Europe Report Shows Why Use of International Forest Offsets Won’t Reduce Carbon Emissions Brussels — Developments in the United States may lead to…

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