GFC condena los ataques de la junta militar en Myanmar sobre las comunidades indígenas

La Coalición Mundial por los Bosques condena categóricamente los violentos ataques de la junta militar en Myanmar contra los pueblos indígenas y otros ciudadanos inocentes, en particular los recientes ataques aéreos militares contra las comunidades indígenas en el Salween Peace Park, un Territorio de Vida (TICCA) reconocido internacionalmente. Instamos que se ponga fin de inmediato a toda violencia, fuerza de opresión y otras violaciones de los derechos humanos contra mujeres y hombres en Myanmar.
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- The Tatmadaw (junta) to immediately stop killing, attacking, harassing, arresting, subjecting to enforced disappearance, and injuring Indigenous peoples who are residing peacefully in their traditional lands and territories and human rights defenders, journalists, and peaceful protesters who are engaged in peaceful protest and civil disobedience. All military officials and soldiers responsible for these violations of human rights must be held accountable.
- The governments of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to review any tacit support they are giving the military regime that seized power in Myanmar, issue targeted sanctions against the regime, investigate any national companies that currently have ties to Myanmar’s military regime and restrict these commercial ties until the legitimate, democratically elected government has returned to power.
- The Thai Government to allow those fleeing the recent air attacks in northern Karen State to take shelter on the Thai side of the border and allow access for humanitarian aid to be delivered to these persons.
- The UN Security Council, the European Union, and the governments of powerful member states to impose a global arms embargo against the military regime so that the regime loses access to weapons and equipment they have been using to violate the rights of Indigenous peoples and other citizens.
- The international community to: deny recognition of the military regime; support Indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities of Myanmar, including those seeking refuge and urgent humanitarian response, and the citizens of Myanmar more broadly who are peacefully protesting the coup by the Tatmadaw (junta) and seeking the return of democracy and peace; and take all steps to bring to justice and hold accountable those responsible for human rights violations under international law.
- Individual citizens concerned by this situation to extend your solidarity and support to the Indigenous Karen of the Salween Peace Park through social media [5] and by writing to defending at iccaconsortium dot org.
Featured image: Villagers fleeing airstrikes by the military junta in the Karen State of Myanmar gathered along the banks of the Salween River after being forced back by the Thai army. Photo via Salween Peace Park