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RIO+20: From the Future We Want to the Future We Need Women’s Major Group Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20

29 jun., 2012

The Women’s Major Group (WMG), representing 200 civil society women’s organizations from all around the world, is greatly disappointed in the results of the Rio+20 conference. We believe that the governments of the world have failed both women and future generations.  Women’s Rights Rolled Back  Two years of negotiations have culminated in a Rio+20 outcome that makes almost no progress for women’s rights and rights of future generations in sustainable development. The Women’s Major Group has worked around the clock …

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Informe del Grupo de Articulación Internacional de la Cumbre de los Pueblos por Justicia Social y Ambiental por la Unidad y la Movilización de los Pueblos en Defensa de La Vida y los Bienes Comunes, la Justicia Social y Ambiental, Contra la Mercantilización De La Naturaleza Y La “Economía Verde”

22 may., 2012

(tomado de A un mes de la conferencia de Naciones Unidas Río+20, los pueblos del mundo no vemos resultados positivos del proceso de negociación que se está realizando en la…

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