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About ICCAs, climate change and perverse incentives for biodiversity conservation

7 oct., 2014

The unexpected freeze in South Korea that turned the 12th Biodiversity Conference of the Parties into a very chilly experience made it once again clear why climate change impacts us all. And sadly, the impacts of climate change will be and already are a lot more serious than cold conference rooms. Indigenous and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) play a key role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and in the implementation of Aichi target 15 on ecosystem resilience. …

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GFC’s Annual Report 2013

18 juil., 2014

  We are happy to bring to you our Annual Report for  the year 2013.Find out about our work and the development of our campaigns spanning from India to Colombia…

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Community Conservation Resilience Initiative: Methodology

15 mai, 2014

The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative was established by an informal alliance of national and international Indigenous Peoples’ organisations, nongovernmental organisations and social movements that shared a joint belief in community stewardship, governance and…

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Comments on FSC at Risk: Greenpeace Progress Report

6 mai, 2014

This post is a reflection from one of GFC members on Greenpeace’s Progress Report on the Forest Stewardship Council which can be found here: During the 20 years since the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)…

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