Una “respuesta de los pueblos”: Más de 100 organizaciones firman una carta en la que critican la Cumbre de la ONU sobre biodiversidad

Comunicado de prensa de la CBD Alliance: Organizaciones de todo el mundo, la mayoría del Sur, han publicado una “Respuesta de los pueblos a la Cumbre de alto nivel sobre diversidad biológica”, que plantea puntos críticos sobre la próxima cumbre de la ONU, la crisis de la biodiversidad y el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica.
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Signatories do not wish this brief summit to be a distraction from the core issues related to biodiversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity is currently preparing a Global Biodiversity Framework that is meant to lead us towards living in harmony with nature by 2050, yet the destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems continues apace around the world.
Together with a stable climate, biodiversity and ecosystems are our life support system and the signatories are calling for urgent action for its protection, rather than publicity for an event that has no decision-making power and looks more like a show than a serious engagement with the issues.