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La « réponse des peuples » : plus de 100 organisations signent une lettre critiquant le Sommet de l’ONU sur la biodiversité

Le communiqué de presse de la CDB Alliance: Des organisations du monde entier, la majorité du Sud, ont publié une « réponse des peuples sur le Sommet sur la biodiversité » qui soulève des points critiques sur le prochain sommet des Nations Unies, la crise de la biodiversité ainsi que la Convention sur la diversité biologique.

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Signatories do not wish this brief summit to be a distraction from the core issues related to biodiversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity is currently preparing a Global Biodiversity Framework that is meant to lead us towards living in harmony with nature by 2050, yet the destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems continues apace around the world.

Together with a stable climate, biodiversity and ecosystems are our life support system and the signatories are calling for urgent action for its protection, rather than publicity for an event that has no decision-making power and looks more like a show than a serious engagement with the issues.

Download the letter in English, Spanish and French.

30 sept., 2020
Posted in Supporting Community Conservation, Forêts et Changement Climatique, Press releases, Petitions and statements