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Climate Justice Research on REDD & REDD+

6 dic., 2010

Dartmouth College Climate Justice Research Project CLIMATE JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT SCHOLARLY NOTE REDD & REDD+1 Agreement between Parties on supporting Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) projects is often cited as the most substantial outcome of COP15. While it remains inappropriate to address a problem with a solution that stems from the same basic principles, (i.e., demonstrably failed neoliberal policy measures) REDD remains a reality for being implemented as a “solution” to climate change. Therefore, it is essential to …

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Biofuelwatch in Cancun

3 dic., 2010

Massively increasing demand for “biomass” is resulting in land grabs and expansion of destructive industrial monocultures at the expense of forests, biodiversity and food production.  Deepak Rughani and Rachel Smolker…

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GFC in Cancun

23 nov., 2010

In less than a week, the 16th United Nations Climate Conference will take place in Cancun, Mexico.  Many members of the Global Forest Coalition will take part, in side-events, workshops,…

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Biodiversity in suspense

9 nov., 2010

By our executive director, Simone Lovera Halfway the second week, everybody is holding its breath here at the Biodiversity Conference of the Parties: Will the 10th Conference of the Parties…

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