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Bosques y Cambio Climático

CJN! Intervention at SBI

6 dic., 2010

Climate Justice Now Intervention at the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at item 8, on technology transfer Delivered by Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group — Thank you Chair.  I will speak on behalf of the Climate Justice Now network (CJN). Environmentally sound and socially just technologies that integrate and respect traditional knowledge and livelihoods are part of the solution to climate crisis and need to be supported. But often, “technology transfer” in these negotiations seem rather to be a way for …

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Biofuelwatch in Cancun

3 dic., 2010

Massively increasing demand for “biomass” is resulting in land grabs and expansion of destructive industrial monocultures at the expense of forests, biodiversity and food production.  Deepak Rughani and Rachel Smolker…

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GFC in Cancun

23 nov., 2010

In less than a week, the 16th United Nations Climate Conference will take place in Cancun, Mexico.  Many members of the Global Forest Coalition will take part, in side-events, workshops,…

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