GFC’s Annual Report 2013
18 jul. 2014
We are happy to bring to you our Annual Report for the year 2013.Find out about our work and the development of our campaigns spanning from India to Colombia and beyond!
18 jul. 2014
We are happy to bring to you our Annual Report for the year 2013.Find out about our work and the development of our campaigns spanning from India to Colombia and beyond!
9 jun. 2014
(cross.posted via One of the biggest land grabbing in Africa its about to happen: “press release: National Campaign to PROSAVANA in may 2013, more than 20 civil society organizations and…
3 jun. 2014
Dear friends, FuturaGene, a biotechnology firm owned by Brazilian pulp and paper company Suzano, has requested authorization from the Brazilian Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) for the commercial release of its genetically…
22 may. 2014
Asunción, Paraguay – A new report and briefing paper launched by Brighter Green and the Global Forest Coalition on the International Day of Biodiversity highlight the negative impact of unsustainable…
21 may. 2014
We are happy to announce the 45th issue of Forest Cover, the Global Forest Coalition newsletter on international policy processes related to forests and forest people’s rights. The editorial by…
6 may. 2014
This post is a reflection from one of GFC members on Greenpeace’s Progress Report on the Forest Stewardship Council which can be found here: During the 20 years since the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)…
10 abr. 2014
(cross-posted) – Biofuelwatch, Center for Food Safety, Global Justice Ecology Project, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 9 APRIL 2014 Washington, DC–Scientists and environmentalists today condemned a recent press…
21 mar. 2014
On the occasion of International Forest Day, the Global Forest Coalition [1] in collaboration with Critical Information Collective [2], Global Justice Ecology Project [3], and Langelle Photography [4], launched an…
19 mar. 2014
On 21st March, the International Day of Mourning for Millions of Hectares of Destroyed and Stolen Forests, we should weep in solidarity with the millions of displaced, dispossessed and now poverty stricken, formerly forest dependent…
11 mar. 2014
(cross-posted from On 4 February, the morning hearing between the OWG Co-Chairs and Major Groups and other stakeholders focused on “forests and biodiversity.” The first panellist, Sabá Loftus, from the…
11 mar. 2014
The UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service Interviews GFC’s Executive Director Simone Lovera In this interview, UN-NGLS speaks with Simone Lovera, Director of the Global Forest Coalition (GFC), on a wide range…