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NEW REPORT – A Global Overview of Wood-based Bioenergy: Production, Consumption, Trends and Impacts

10 déc., 2014

Lima, Perú – In the context of the different international negotiations, including the current UNFCCC’s COP20, bioenergy and an entire bioeconomy are promoted as solutions to climate and economic crisis. Underlying this is the premise that endless economic growth can and must be sustained, and that we can resolve these crises by simply substituting fossil for biological energy sources. This misguided approach distracts attention from real solutions, which must address the grossly unsustainable over­ consumption of energy and resources by …

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GFC’s Annual Report 2013

18 juil., 2014

  We are happy to bring to you our Annual Report for  the year 2013.Find out about our work and the development of our campaigns spanning from India to Colombia…

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