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Forêts et Changement Climatique

40th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition

23 avr., 2012

We present the most recent version of the Global Forest Coalition’s newsletter in intergovernmental forest-related policy processes: Forest Cover no.40. This issue includes articles referring to the past UNFCCC-COP17 in Durban, South Africa addressing topics such as the future of REDD, the new alliance against REDD and (Fake) Forest Day . It also includes a report on the Thematic Social Forum on Rio+20 as well as the Rio+20 Second Round of Informal-Informal negotiations and Third Intersessional Meeting of UNCSD in New York, last March. …

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COP17 for Dummies

2 déc., 2011

Durban, South Africa – Around 16,000 people have gathered this year at the Convention Center in Durban to discuss around the climate change problematic, or at least, that is what most…

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