Nature Communications article shows ‘true colours’ of biochar advocates
13 sept. 2010
Groups condemn implied land-grab for biochar
13 sept. 2010
Groups condemn implied land-grab for biochar
13 sept. 2010
In March 2010, the European Commission launched an EU-wide consultation to find out whether the EU should increase its efforts to protect forests under a changing climate.
13 sept. 2010
Briefing paper on Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), prepared by GFC’s European focal point Almuth Ernsting from Biofuelwatch and Helena Paul from Econexus.
13 sept. 2010
Statement to the pre-sessional workshop on “Forest Management Accounting” Bonn, 30 July 2010
13 sept. 2010
The undersigned organisations reject the “responsible” label for soy developed by the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS).
13 sept. 2010
PRESS RELEASE Forest groups urge European governments to stop support for industrial bioenergy
13 sept. 2010
On behalf of Global Forest Coaolition and other members of Climate Justice Now!, Camila Moreno gave an intervention to the the Long-Term Cooperative Action Working Group at the UN Climate…
13 sept. 2010
As forests campaigners, activists and Indigenous Peoples Organisation make a tour through Europe to inform policymakers about the dangers of wood-based bioenergy, the Global Forest Coalition presents a briefing paper…
13 sept. 2010
Seminar wood-based bio energy, impact on forests and forest dependent people
13 sept. 2010
The undersigned NGOs, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations and social movements call upon the European Union and EU member states to halt and reverse the expansion of large-scale wood-based bio-energy production as…
10 mai 2010
In May and June 2010, GFC organizes a European tour on the impact of wood-based bioenergy on forests, forest dependant people and the climate. Bioenergy is expected to meet most…