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Forêts et Changement Climatique

Intervention on CDM

6 déc. 2010

Intervention on CDM in the CMP, by Fiu Elisara Delivered at the CMP plenary at the UNFCCC COP16 in Cancun, Mexico December 1, 2010   Fellow humans,   Much of…

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CJN! Intervention at SBI

6 déc. 2010

Climate Justice Now Intervention at the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at item 8, on technology transfer Delivered by Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group — Thank you Chair.  I will speak…

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Climate Justice Research on REDD & REDD+

6 déc. 2010

Dartmouth College Climate Justice Research Project CLIMATE JUSTICE RESEARCH PROJECT SCHOLARLY NOTE REDD & REDD+1 Agreement between Parties on supporting Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) projects is often…

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Biofuels – a Failure for Africa

3 déc. 2010

PRESS RELEASE- Thursday 2 December 2010 African Biodiversity Network, The Gaia Foundation Biofuels are failing Africa, in contrast to the many promises that fuelled their growth, a new report from…

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