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The UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service Interviews GFC’s Executive Director Simone Lovera

Posted 11th marzo 2014 in Noticias, Defending Rights, Justicia de género y bosques, Bosques y Cambio Climático

The UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service Interviews GFC’s Executive Director Simone Lovera In this interview, UN-NGLS speaks with Simone Lovera, Director of the Global Forest Coalition (GFC), on a wide range of issues, including the interlinkages between women’s access to forests, protection of biodiversity, and poverty eradication. Ms. Lovera also reflects on a goal proposed by the Women’s Major Group during the 8th session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, entitled “Conservation of Ecosystems and Sustainable Use of …

Genetically Engineered Trees and Glowing Synthetic Plants? No Thanks

Posted 30th mayo 2013 in Bosques y Cambio Climático, Noticias

Genetically Engineered Trees and Glowing Synthetic Plants? No Thanks This week in Asheville, N.C., the IUFRO “Tree Biotechnology” conference will meet. And the attendees will be met: by protests. Public opinion is unequivocally opposed to genetically engineered trees. When the South Carolina-based tree engineering company, ArborGen recently applied for deregulation of their freeze tolerant eucalyptus, APHIS responded by filing a “notice of intent” to conduct an environmental impact statement, and opened up for public comments on ArborGen’s petition. The comments the received were overwhelmingly …