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World’s Largest Wood Power Station Approved in the UK will Threaten Climate and Forests

31 mar., 2011

Plans were approved on 14 March 2011 to convert RWE npower’s Tilbury B power station from coal to burning imported wood pellets – over 7 million tonnes per year. Biofuelwatch estimates that this would, if implemented, push the UK’s planned demand for biomass to around 60 million tonnes of wood per year (1). This is more than six times the UK’s annual wood production (2) and poses a major threat to forests, local as well as forest-dependent communities and to the …

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The Luna talks?

10 dic., 2010

About REDD, LULUCF and Luna-talks By Simone Lovera, Sobrevivencia-Paraguay and Global Forest Coalition   Of course, when we arrived in Cancun and realized that the meeting venues were called Cancun…

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CJN! Intervention at SBI

6 dic., 2010

Climate Justice Now Intervention at the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at item 8, on technology transfer Delivered by Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group — Thank you Chair.  I will speak…

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