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Cancun: Anger grows at World Bank role in climate finance

8 dic., 2010

MARCH TO KEEP WORLD BANK OUT OF CLIMATE FINANCE DATE: Wednesday, Dec 8th TIME: gather 9:30am, march at 10am LOCATION: rally and march leaving from Palacio Municipal Rally will be MCed by Ricardo Navarro – Friends of the Earth El Salvador, Beverly Keene – Jubilee South Americas, Primo Rivera-Freedom From Debt Coalition and feature speakers from World Bank-affected communities from around the world. We march to 0KM and return to the Muncipal Hall by 11:30am where we will smash a …

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CJN! Intervention at SBI

6 dic., 2010

Climate Justice Now Intervention at the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at item 8, on technology transfer Delivered by Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group — Thank you Chair.  I will speak…

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Biofuelwatch in Cancun

3 dic., 2010

Massively increasing demand for “biomass” is resulting in land grabs and expansion of destructive industrial monocultures at the expense of forests, biodiversity and food production.  Deepak Rughani and Rachel Smolker…

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