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Healthy Food, A Sovereign People, Heñoi Jey Feria, Paraguay, and an International Seminar

24 May 2016 to 26 May 2016
Plaza de la Democracia, Asunción, Paraguay

On 24 and 25 May 2016, in the Plaza de la Democracia in Asunción, Paraguay, under the slogan HEALTHY FOOD, SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, they will be held simultaneously to the Fair of Native Seeds and Criollas “Heñoi Jey Paraguay” and the International Seminar “Seeds and sovereignty of our peoples”.

The meeting provides for the presence of producers and seed producers, farmers and indigenous people around the country who show the species and varieties of seeds which have been for centuries the basis of our food sovereignty, many of them at risk of extinction. The fair will reveal several varieties of corn, Habilla, beans, peanuts, fruits and vegetables produced and reproduced, preserved and maintained by those who keep our food heritage.

In parallel to the seminar seed fair, which is attached program will be developed. It is noteworthy the presence of Carlos Vicente, Argentina Grain, who will speak on “The Seed: healthy food base and sovereignty”; and Silvia Ribeiro, of Mexico, whose conference will focus on “sovereignty of our peoples.”

The seminar is open and no cost. Also participating in exhibitions Angel Strappazzon National Indigenous Campesino movimietno (MNCI), Claudia Korol of Handkerchiefs in Rebellion and Sebastian Pinetta of BEPE of Argentina; Marcio Movimento Sem Terra Zonta (MST) and Valter Israel da Silva of the Movement of Small Farmers (MPA) of Brazil and Mary Lou Malig Global Forest Coalition (GFC).

On Tuesday 24, from 18:30, you can enjoy an indigenous cultural space, with dances and rites of holding several villages; later, from 20:00 pm, on the square, it will be the “Festival for Life, Earth and Seed”, with the participation of more than ten musicians and popular bands with various musical genres.

On Wednesday 25, World Day to Combat Monsanto, at 13:30 pm, the participants of the exhibition and the seminar will march through the downtown Asuncion looking to publicize the severity of food dependency, and the impacts of GM food and pesticides in the life and health of people.

At 14:30, with the exchange of seeds, will close the meeting.


24 de mayo

07:00 Installation of the Fair

09:00 Inauguration

09: 30 Inaugural Conference. The seed: the basis for healthy food and sovereignty. Carlos Vicente (Grain)

10:00 Recorrido de la feria

11:00 Panel 1: Experiences on Food Sovereignty

Experince in Argentina: Ángel Strappazzon (MNCI, Argentina)

Experince in Brazil: Valter Israel da Silva (MPA, Brasil)

Experince in Paraguay: Marielle Palau, Base IS

Popular Feminism and food sovereignty. Claudia Korol, (Pañuelos en Rebeldía)

Coordination: Vía Campesina Py

12:00 Debate

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Panel 2: Extractivism:  Extractivismo: threats and ways forward

Policies of International organizartions: Mary Lou Malig (Global Forest Coalition)

Extractive Production in Paraguay: Inés Franceschelli (Ñamoseke Monsanto)

The use of water in extractivism: Cristian Escobar (a confirmar)

Land Grabbing: Representante de la FNC

FAO policies for food sovereignty Rolf Hackbart, representante de FAO-Py

Resistance to the advance of extractive industries in the region: Marcio Zonta (MST, Brasil)

Coordination: Vía Campesina Py

16:00 Debate

17:00 Receso

17:30 Mesas de trabajo

  • Alimentación y soberanía (Ñamoseke Monsanto)
  • Resistencias al extractivismo: Sebastián Pinetta (BePe, Argentina)
  • Acciones de las organizaciones: Bernabe Martínez (CEPAG)
  • Rescate de semillas: Pablo Angulo (Heñoi Jey Paraguay)
  • Estrategias de lucha por la tierra: Representante de FNC
  • Producción y comercialización: Genaro Ferreira (Apro)
  • Comunicación y soberanía alimentaria: Carlos Gonzalves (Demoinfo)
  • Iniciativas legales desde las organizaciones: Abel Areco (BASE IS)
  • Huertas urbana: Magali Casartelli (, a confirmar)
  • Salud y soberanía alimentaria: Victoria Peralta (ALAMES)

18:30 Indigenous cultural space

19:30 Dinner

20:00 Festival for Life, Land and Seeds

25 de mayo

07:30 Breakfast

08:30 Presentation of the working tables

10:00 Closing Conference: Sovereignty of our people Silvia Ribeiro (Grupo ETC)

12: 00 Lunch

13:30 March led by Ñamoseke Monsanto

14:30 Closing (Vía Campesina Paraguay) and exhange of seeds