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Nouveau rapport : L’état de l’élevage industriel en Asie et ses impacts sur la déforestation et les moyens de subsistance

Rapport: The State of Industrial Livestock Farming in Asia and its Impacts on Deforestation and People’s Livelihoods (désolé, seulement en anglais)

L’agriculture est de loin le principal moteur de la déforestation, selon l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. Et la majeure partie du territoire agricole mondial n’est pas consacrée à la culture du riz ou des pommes de terre qui finissent dans votre assiette ou des bananes dans votre bol de petit-déjeuner, mais plutôt à l’élevage, y compris le pâturage des animaux et la culture des plantes utilisées pour les engraisser dans les fermes industrielles.

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Nowhere has meat consumption surged faster than in Asia, where countries like China and Japan are leading the charge towards a diet much heavier in animal protein. This comes at the cost of forest ecosystems and wetlands in the Global South, disproportionally affecting local people, especially Indigenous communities, women, and children. The trend is expected to continue, bolstered by billions in investment in large-scale livestock and feedstock producers from big development banks and subsidies by governments – the same players that promise to tackle deforestation and climate change.

Addressing the climate and biodiversity crises the world faces today requires dramatic changes in the way we manage food production and the way we use land, and this will require bold decisions and policy coherence from governments. All communities and stakeholders – particularly women, Indigenous Peoples, and other marginalised groups – must be informed and vocal in the policy decisions affecting them and future generations.

Learn about Asia’s increasing appetite for meat and dairy and pathways towards a future free from intensive agriculture in our new report, The State of Industrial Livestock Farming in Asia and its Impacts on Deforestation and People’s Livelihoods.

This report shines a light on the realities of animal agriculture in Asia, a region that is crucial in the global fight to mitigate climate change and protect ecosystems from irreversible harm.  

It was authored by Wen Bo, a noted Chinese environmentalist, and published by the Global Forest Coalition’s Campaign Against Unsustainable Livestock, with the generous support of funding organizations Misereor, SSNC, and Mobius.

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cover image of report The State of Industrial Livestock Farming in Asia


29 sept., 2022
Posted in Unsustainable Livestock Production, ressources et publications