« BURNED: Are Trees the New Coal? » – Première internationale et diffusion en streaming

« BURNED: Are Trees the New Coal? » est un film documentaire qui raconte la petite histoire de la destruction accélérée de nos forêts à des fins énergétiques, et qui examine les failles des politiques, des subventions énormes et de l’écoblanchiment flagrant de l’industrie de la biomasse. Une version de 30 minutes du long métrage sera diffusée et disponible en streaming sur demande dans le monde entier gratuitement sur Link TV, à l’occasion de la Conférence et de l’exposition internationales sur la biomasse du 18 au 20 mars 2019 et de la Journée internationale des forêts de l’ONU, le 21 mars 2019. Cette première internationale est promue par des organisations environnementales américaines et internationales dans le cadre de BURNED Barnstorming Tour, une campagne communautaire destinée à mettre en lumière les pratiques néfastes de l’industrie de la biomasse électrique qui détruisent les forêts.
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Premiere Dates:
BURNED will premiere on Link TV in the week of March 18 with free online on-demand streaming worldwide starting on March 18 and broadcast on March 20 (prime time) and 21 (midday) to coincide with the International Biomass Conference and Expo, March 18-20, and the UN International Day of Forests on March 21. The film will be available for free streaming for four months. The film might also be broadcast in April/May as part of Link TV’s Earth Focus film series.
Streaming & Broadcast Platform:
BURNED will be available on Link TV, a non-commercial progressive American satellite TV network. Free on-demand streaming worldwide will be available via Link TV’s online platform. Broadcast for the US only will be available from Link TV satellite via Direct TV and Dish Network.
The filmmakers are working closely with environmental organization partners to help promote this event to their memberships and audiences. Groups that have signed on to date include: Dogwood Alliance; Partnership for Policy Integrity; Biofuelwatch; Southern Environmental Law Center; John Muir Project; Center for Biological Diversity; Global Forest Coalition; Greenpeace; Natural Resources Defense Council; Sierra Club; Ecology Action Centre; RESTORE; Rachel Carson Council; Forest, Climate, and Biomass Energy Working Group of the International Environmental Paper Network; Brighter Green; Stand.Earth; and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The campaign to recruit additional partners is still underway.
BURNED: Are Trees the New Coal? was produced by Marlboro Productions, Marlboro, VT.
For more about the film: https://burnedthemovie.com/