Journée de l’aviation civile internationale : dites non aux compensations carbone pour l’aviation !

Aujourd’hui marque la Journée de l’aviation civile internationale : pour souligner l’événement, nous lançons une étude de cas qui explique par quels moyens les plans des autorités de l’Organisation d’aviation civile internationale (OACI) pour compenser les émissions liées aux vols en achetant des compensations carbone – plutôt qu’en réduisant le nombre de vols – entraîneront des effets néfastes sur les communautés, les forêts et le climat.
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“Vallourec: junk offset credits through charcoal production for the iron and steel sector in Brazil” looks at a recent Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project and the likely impacts that it is having. It describes how transnational steel company Vallourec is claiming carbon credits for how it turns vast eucalyptus plantations into charcoal for its operations in Brazil, in what is a highly polluting process that results in significant conflicts with communities.
The CDM is one of the programs approved under the ICAO’s offsetting scheme, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), whereby airlines will be able to purchase carbon credits sold by CDM projects instead of reducing their emissions. The case study highlights why carbon offsets are a false solution to the climate crisis, and why rolling-out CORSIA at scale would be a disaster for communities and the climate.
Download the case study in English and Portuguese.