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Forest and Indigenous Groups Reject Cancún Forest Deal

26 nov., 2010

Joint Press Release from Global Forest Coalition and Indigenous Environmental Network  26 November, 2010                                    Forest and Indigenous Groups Reject Cancún Forest Deal REDD Will Violate Rights, Accelerate Emissions, Groups Warn Cancún, Mexico – Indigenous and environmental rights groups warn that an agreement on REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) at the upcoming UN climate change conference in Cancun, Mexico will spell disaster for forest peoples worldwide, limiting the rights of indigenous and peasant people over their territories. The real …

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GFC in Cancun

23 nov., 2010

In less than a week, the 16th United Nations Climate Conference will take place in Cancun, Mexico.  Many members of the Global Forest Coalition will take part, in side-events, workshops,…

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Biodiversity in suspense

9 nov., 2010

By our executive director, Simone Lovera Halfway the second week, everybody is holding its breath here at the Biodiversity Conference of the Parties: Will the 10th Conference of the Parties…

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Tianjin letter to governments

12 oct., 2010

The fourteenth session of the AWG-KP and the twelfth session of the AWG-LCA are taking place this week in Tianjin, China. During the last Climate Talks in Bonn in August…

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Shell bankrolls REDD

4 oct., 2010

Indigenous Environmental Network and Friends of the Earth Nigeria Denounce Shell REDD Project September 7, 2010 – Oil giant Shell, infamous for the genocide of the Ogoni People and environmental…

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