La Unión de Nativos Ayoreo de Paraguay se Manifiesta Ante una Nueva Situación que Afecta al Pueblo Ayoreo
28 nov. 2012
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28 nov. 2012
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27 nov. 2012
Doha, Qatar– As Governments gathering for the 18th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP18) continue discussions on the need to address the drivers…
16 oct. 2012
By La Via Campesina Farmers movements, members of the global peasants movement la Via Campesina organized a talk on “the commercialization of biodiversity” at the Peoples Biodiversity Festival organized by…
15 oct. 2012
Rachel Smolker, Energy Justice Network COP11’s draft decision on impacts of biofuels on biodiversity, as discussed on Thursday, is remarkably meek in its recommendations on the issue of biodiversity impacts…
12 oct. 2012
Thank you chair, I am speaking on behalf of Biofuelwatch, EcoNexus, Timberwatch and other NGO members of the Global Forest Coalition. There is now significant scientific evidence of direct and…
12 oct. 2012
To the friends from International NGOs, community groups and social movements at the CBD alliance. As you are by now aware that the Indian Parliament has enacted the Scheduled Tribes…
10 oct. 2012
GFC: Thank you Madam chairperson for allowing me this opportunity to speak. We share concerns that REDD+ might not necessarily contribute to biodiversity and that the discussion should focus on…
8 oct. 2012
Hyderabad, India, 8 October 2012 Press Conference: Monday, 8 October 2012, 11am Bioeconomy as Main Promoter of Financialization of Nature As the 11th Conference of the Parties of the Convention…
8 oct. 2012
As the 11th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 11) opens in Hyderabad, India, a diverse alliance of concerned environmental organizations highlight two massive…
28 sept. 2012
We present the 41st version of the Global Forest Coalition’s newsletter in intergovernmental forest-related policy processes: Forest Cover no.41st. In this issue you will find: an interesting editorial on the current policies that add…
25 sept. 2012
The EU is rapidly developing a new type of ‘post-fossil fuel’ economy, dubbed the ‘bio-economy’ (as described in the report “Bio-economies: the EU’s real ‘Green Economy’ agenda? 1), and…