Rapport annuel 2019 de GFC: la protection de la forêt grâce à l’action et le plaidoyer basés sur la défense des droits

Il nous fait plaisir de partager avec vous une synthèse du travail accompli par la Coalition mondiale des forêts en 2019. Ce rapport annuel décrit les moments-clé et les accomplissements de nos campagnes au cours d’une année encore une fois très remplie pour GFC et nos membres.
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As described throughout the report, GFC’s key moments in 2019 came in March in Lomé, Togo, during a West African skill-share on gender-responsive forest conservation, and in December in Santiago de Chile, during the People’s Summit and Chilean popular uprising. Being able to bring our member groups and partners together is a great privilege and, be it in person or virtually, we are extremely grateful for the time and enthusiasm that participants dedicate to GFC events. The experience and collaborative spirit that they contribute is what drives the coalition forward.
Despite the reality of ever-worsening climate, biodiversity and social crises, including the current COVID-19 pandemic, the vital work that our members engage in serves as an important reminder that transformational change through collective struggle is the only clear path towards forest protection, planetary and human health and respect for the rights, knowledge and practices of forest peoples.
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