- ‘Cheering-up’ Reflections on Rio+20
- “The Voices of those Who Speak for Mother Earth Must Not Be Silenced”
- “Walk the Talk,” Women from Various Global Regions Urged Parties at the 11th COP CBD
- Joint letter to Members of the European Parliament on the Post-2020 Renewable Energy Directive (RED)
- Информационный бюллетень Roots, май 2022 г.: Помимо блокировок и карантина!
- ‘Absolutely everything is cross-cut by gender. We have to include more men in the debate’
- ‘Greenwash’: oil giant under fire over plan to protect tropical forests
- ‘Marriage of death’: Protesters oppose Bayer-Monsanto merger
- ‘Forests represent health’: An interview with Fundaexpresión on the International Day of Forests
- “Baku Forest Declaration” Calls for Climate Justice: Indigenous Rights and Forest Protection at the Heart of COP 29
- “Being a woman means resistance, to fight for the conservation of forests”
- “Net Gain” is a lose-lose for rights, gender justice and social equity in biodiversity policy
- “Respect traditional knowledge and promote community-led conservation”, say West African groups on International Day of Forests
- “The Green Climate Fund has potential”
- “Bioenergy Burns Forests”—Environmentalists Denounce UN’s Bioenergy Themed International Day of Forests
- “Freeze false solutions” to biodiversity loss and respect rights and ecosystems to achieve real “peace with nature,” says Global Forest Coalition
- “Fuera OMC”: manifestantes protestaron en la sede de la conferencia ministerial
- “Gender is not Plan B!” Advancing gender-responsive measures in the CBD’s Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
- “Green Paradox”: subsidising biomass to destroy biodiversity
- “Insistir en la carretera por el TIPNIS es hacerse el harakiri”
- “Let’s talk about real solutions now!” asserts civil society at COP29 amid the dominance of false climate solutions
- “Nature-based solutions” – another false, corporate pathway in the great greenwashing of the climate and biodiversity crise
- “They are only interested in soy”: how peasant and indigenous women in Paraguay are organising to survive the twin threats of industrial agriculture and climate change
- #DivestFactoryFarming website project consultant
- #women2030 Brochure: Making the 2030 Goals A Reality!
- #women2030 Flier: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights as A Crucial Pillar to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- #women2030 Media Training Toolkit
- 132 civil society organisations critizise CORSIA in open letter to ICAO Council
- 15 years of REDD+: Has it been worth the money?
- 196 países, entre ellos México, fracasaron en sus metas de biodiversidad, acusan ONGs
- 20 years of GFC: celebrating two decades of campaigning for rights-based and socially-just forest conservation
- 21 Marzo -Día Internacional de los Bosques – ¡La FAO debe reconocer que las plantaciones de árboles NO son bosques!
- 250 organisations demand red lines for aviation bailouts
- 32 organisations worldwide call on BlackRock to drop Drax
- 3rd Meeting of the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives to UN Environment Programme (OECPR-3) and 3rd Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-3)
- 5 Films that Could Help in the Struggles to Save Our Forests
- 70 Civil Society Organisations Call On UNESCO to Protect Sundarbans From Proposed Coal-fired Power Plant
- 70 organizations and 30 scientists call on politicians and authorities: Stop the logging of high conservation value forests in Sweden
- 78 Environmental Groups Challenge Drax’s Gas Burning Plans
- A ‘Code Red’ for Humanity: Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance Statement on COP26
- A “peoples’ response”: Over 100 organizations sign letter criticizing the UN’s biodiversity summit
- A call for global accountability on forests
- A congress in which the trees vanquish the forest
- A constructive engagement with animal farmers
- A gendered perspective on the proposed EU Regulation on deforestation-free products
- A gloomy future for climate finance at COP24
- A heroic fighter for the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities: Dr. Taghi Farvar
- A New Chapter in GFC’s Story: Welcoming Our New Policy Director
- A new opportunity to continue, grow, and innovate: Roots for February 2023
- A River’s Rights: Indigenous Kukama Women Lead the Way with Landmark Legal Victory
- A volunteer’s introduction to the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative
- Action alert: join us to oppose nature-based solutions greenwash on International Day for Biological Diversity
- Action alert! Development banks: Stop investing in industrial animal agriculture
- Activists demand repeal of India tree-planting law hurting forest dwellers
- Activists Denounce Agribusiness Take-Over of UN Food Body
- Activists Protest Against Forest Carbon Offsets for Aviation at Climate Summit
- ADB: Coal exit must not entail support of the false solution of wood bioenergy
- Advancing Gender Equity in Biodiversity: Insights from the GLA Gender Hub
- Advocating for Land Rights in the Context of Climate Change
- AFR100: Driving commercial tree plantation expansion in Africa?
- African Dialogue on Alternatives to Unsustainable Livestock Production
- Agents, Assumptions and Motivations Behind REDD+: Creating an International Forest Regime
- Agribusiness Invasion Threatens Indigenous of Paraguay’s Chaco Region
- Alarm over costly and polluting conversion of Pego power station in Portugal
- Almost 100 Organisations Worldwide Condemn UN Aviation Agency’s Biofuel Plans
- Alternatives to Unsustainable Livestock Farming and the impacts of Public Private Partnerships
- Alvarez y Lovera: Nuevos tiempos para mujeres en conservación de biodiversidad
- América Latina, donde el ecologismo cuesta la vida
- Anna Kirilenko appointed as new chairperson of the Global Forest Coalition
- Another World is Possible: GFC at the World Social Forum in Salvador Bahia, Brazil
- Arauco’s Valdivia biomass power station: carbon emissions and conflicts with Indigenous communities in Chile
- Are Global Climate Talks Delivering for the World’s Forests?
- Art 3ter. New Carbon Markets under the name of Sustainable Development
- As water scarcity deepens across Latin America, political instability grows
- Asian Development Bank: Don’t finance dirty biomass!
- Assessing SDGs implementation in Nigeria
- Asymmetries in Resource Mobilization: Direct Access for Frontline Communities Still Overlooked
- At the belly of the beast: GFC presentation at the Dutch Pavilion
- Atenta contra entorno industria de carne y lácteos
- Aviation Biofuels: Mega-Refinery Threatens Local Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Paraguay, New Case Study shows
- Aviation Emissions Under Scrutiny on Sustainable Tourism Day
- Aviation expansion: the global cost of the carbon jet set
- Aviation industry’s offset plans distracts from urgent need to reduce emissions, say environmental NGOs
- Baku Forest Declaration from Central Asia and Caucasus
- Bayer/Monsanto in Paraguay: Im Würgegriff des Agrobusiness
- Beef, soybeans’ production destroying biodiversity
- Beyond Bioenergy
- Biodiversity Negotiations Should Account for COVID-19 and Ensure Equity
- Biodiversity Offsets: A Flawed Conservation Solution – New Analysis Debunks “No Net Loss” and Calls for Urgent Action
- Bioenergy Burns Forests
- Biomasa forestal para energía: FAO y forestales, sí; ecologistas, no
- Biomass under fire from environmental groups
- Biomyths: Bioenergy carbon neutrality myth is a time bomb under climate deal
- Brazil beef scandal highlights dangers of industrial livestock farming
- Briefing on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement from Demand Climate Justice
- Briefing: Is the BRI Congruous with COP15’s Promise of an “Ecological Civilisation”?
- Brot für die Welt Report: Land and Climate – Rights at Risk
- Building autonomous and sustainable territories: spaces for international dialogue and local advocacy for the promotion of responsible governance
- Call for applications! Digital design and production of campaign identity and website
- Call for Campaign Coordinator: Unsustainable Livestock Production campaign
- Call for cancellation of Swedish carbon credit purchase in Uganda
- Call for external services offers: Translation and other communications support
- Call for Offers: Campaign coordinator of Gender Justice and Forests campaign (part time)
- Call for the EU to reject carbon offsets following scandal of largest voluntary carbon offset certifier
- Calling Out Violence Against Women Human Rights and Environmental Defenders
- Calls for help: Bialowieza–the last wild forest in Europe
- Calls Open for Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards 2022 – Apply Now!
- Campaign Briefing: Divest Public Climate Finance from False Solutions
- Carne y lácteos, industrias que más dañan a los bosques
- Casi medio centenar de ong critica que la fao promueva quemar árboles
- CBD COP14: Deforestation, monocultures and Strategic Plans – The farce continues
- CBD COP14: Who benefits from gene drives as a modern biotechnology?
- CBD COP15: Biodiversity’s ‘Paris’ or ‘Copenhagen’?
- CBD’s Technical Workshop on Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
- CCRI meeting where peace was always fought for
- CCRI’s power to bring forest and biodiversity friends together
- Central banks can lead in disclosure of climate risks
- Cerrado towns terrorized to provide toilet paper for the world, say critics
- Chile 2019: El Derecho de Vivir en Paz (The Right to Live in Peace)
- Circular economy or vicious cycle? How corporate capture of policy-making and perverse incentives are driving deforestation
- Civil Society Declaration Finance in Common Summit 2023
- Civil Society Groups Say UN-backed TNFD Proposal Invites Corporate Greenwashing on Nature
- Civil society organizations and experts call draft new global action plan on biodiversity conservation disappointingly weak and unacceptable
- Civil Society Organizations Worldwide Warn Against Biodiversity Offsets and Credits
- Civil Society Vows to Unite Around a Common Climate Justice Agenda for Belem People’s Summit during COP30
- Claiming Civic Space Together: conference in Copenhagen brings groups together to defend the defenders
- CLARA condemns today’s decision to approve Article 6.4 rules at COP29 in Baku
- CLARA Responds to UNFCCC Bonn Climate Talks
- Climate Action Studio SB48: Coraina De La Plaza, Indigenous Rights Advisor, Global Forest Coalition
- Climate finance for bioenergy and tree plantations is fueling conflicts with communities in Brazil
- Climate Talks in Bonn must Target the Big Four Drivers of Deforestation – Beef, Soy, Palm Oil, Wood, say Forest Activists
- Closing Gender Gaps in Biodiversity Conservation Demands Robust Indicators
- Commentary in Mongabay: EU’s anti-deforestation trade rule should be more women-friendly
- Community Conservation Conference Brings Real Forest Heroes Together
- Community conservation is vital to biodiversity, security for Indigenous Peoples of Kenya
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) Presentations
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Chile
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Colombia
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Ethiopia
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Georgia
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Ghana
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Guna Yala, Panama
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in India
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Iran
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Kenya
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Kyrgyzstan
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Nepal
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Paraguay
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Russia
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Sabah, Malaysia
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Samoa
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in South Africa
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Tajikistan
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Tanzania
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in the Solomon Islands
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Uganda
- Community managed forests and forest protected areas: An assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics
- Community participation from Central Asia in the Global Biodiversity Framework
- Community-led versus mass tourism: What are the implications for forests and communities?
- Consumo de carne, culpable de cambio climático: Produce el 14.5 por ciento de emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero
- Contrasting food production models: forest destruction in Brazil vs forest conservation in Chad
- Convention on Biological Diversity: The Great Contradictions in the Zero Draft
- COP 21: Victorious Corporations
- COP21: We have a Deal…
- COP23 ends without concrete decision on climate finance
- COP27 Peoples’ Declaration for Climate Justice
- Corporate contagion: How the private sector is capturing the UN Food, Biodiversity and Climate Summits
- Could a major restoration initiative in Africa nearly double the area occupied by conflict-causing tree plantations?
- Crece la resistencia contra la presencia de la OMC en la Argentina Crece la resistencia contra la presencia de la OMC en la Argentina
- Crece la resistencia y la organización contra la presencia de la OMC en Argentina
- Crocodile tears will not help to put out the Amazon’s fires
- Day of Real Forests: A Photo Essay
- Day of Real Forests
- Defend India’s forests and forest peoples: Defend Forest Rights Act
- Deforestation, a problem caused by government collusion
- Delay, Distract and Deceive: BECCS Developments in South America, Africa and Asia
- Deliberating Conflict, Peace and Resolution at the 15th Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
- Delving into Community Conservation and ICCAs at SBSTTA-20
- Denuncian que en el Día Internacional de los Bosques la FAO promueva quemarlos
- Derail negotiations on market mechanisms: false solutions will not bring equity and climate justice
- Destructive biofuels and wood-based biomass out of next Renewable Energy Directive say 115 organisations to EU renewables consultation
- Development Banks: #DivestFactoryFarming NOW!
- Divest from destructive Rampal coal businesses, groups urge global investors
- Do We Really Have the Time and the Tools to Fix Climate Change?
- Don’t gamble with our future: Reject the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework
- Don’t Trade away our Land and Forests for Carbon Offsets!
- Durban Declaration on REDD
- Economia circular ou círculo vicioso? Como a captura corporativa na elaboração de políticas e de incentivos perversos leva ao desmatamento
- El conflicto de la soja en Paraguay
- En Sudamérica ha ocasionado 71% de la deforestación: Producción industrial de carne y lácteos, gran enemiga del planeta
- Ending subsidies for meat and soy sector is key to halting deforestation, shows new paper
- Ending Violence Against Women Requires Systemic Change
- Entrevista a Luciana Ghiotto de la Confluencia “Fuera OMC” Se organiza la resistencia a la presencia de la OMC en Buenos Aires
- Environmental groups condemn Estonia’s rejection of ‘climate and biodiversity centered’ forestry impact assessment
- Environmental groups denounce deeply flawed EU consultation on the Climate Target Roadmap 2030
- Environmentalists slam planned Bangladesh power plants near protected Sundarbans
- European Commission signs strategic agreement with women’s groups to implement Sustainable Development Goals
- Examining “Sustainable” Livestock Intensification and Financing: A Critical Analysis of the Hacienda San José Case in Colombia
- Exploring Gender-Responsive Monitoring of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Insights from a July Event
- Exposing Net Zero greenwash: New report details Big Polluters’ next Big Con
- FAO’s Bioenergy Themed International Day of Forests is a Threat to Mother Earth
- FAO’s Bioenergy Themed International Day Of Forests Is A Threat To Mother Earth
- FAO’s new optimistic assessment on reduced deforestation is totally misplaced say forest activists
- Farewell our friend, Avtandil Geladze of the Greens Georgia
- Feminists at UNEA4 Continue the Call for the Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment
- Fight for System Change Now! Why we need to build alternatives and dismantle a process that will lock us into another decade of burning the planet
- Fire and Plantations in Portugal: A case study on the risks of using tree plantations to remove carbon from the atmosphere
- Fire and Plantations in Portugal
- Fiu Mata’ese Elisara Steps Down as Board Member of the Global Forest Coalition
- Forest activists celebrate collapse of WTO and EU-Mercosur negotiations in Argentina
- Forest conservation must address violence against women
- Forest Cover 47: Bioenergy Special Edition
- Forest Cover 48: Community Conservation Special Edition
- Forest Cover 49: Meat as Driver of Deforestation
- Forest Cover 50 – The SDGs and forests: threat, or opportunity of a lifetime?
- Forest Cover 51 – Mainstreaming biodiversity? Mainstream equity and justice
- Forest Cover 52 – The Burning Issue
- Forest Cover 53 – Leaving no one behind: Community rights and biodiversity conservation
- Forest Cover 54 – Latin America’s Veins Remain Open
- Forest Cover 55 – The big four drivers of deforestation: beef, soy, wood and palm oil
- Forest Cover 56 – Community conservation in Africa
- Forest Cover 57 – 1.5°C from a community perspective
- Forest Cover 58: Large-scale cattle farming and its consequences for forests, agroecology and biodiversity
- Forest Cover 59: Bioenergy in West Africa – impacts on women and forests
- Forest Cover 60: How is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) impacting women and forests?
- Forest Cover 61: #OurNatureIsNotYourSolution, International Day for Biological Diversity
- Forest loss for large-scale agriculture and extractive industries goes hand in hand with violence against women
- Forests and IMFP’s: Impressions from Durban
- Fostering Community Conservation Conference Report
- Fostering community conservation II conference – conservation with a social emphasis
- Fostering Community Conservation II: a visual report
- FPIC and TK Repatriation in the Pacific Context
- From Baku to Belém: An Uphill Struggle for Climate Justice
- From Bali to Buenos Aires: An Economy for Life
- From Leticia to Belém: Still a long road to travel
- From rhetoric to action! Bern conference demands action on indigenous and community land rights
- From the village to the United Nations: The journey for Peasants Rights
- Gender Engagement is Crucial for Biodiversity in Central Asia
- Gender justice and climate action: A feminist analysis of forest and climate policy-making
- Gender Justice and its Crucial Role in the Fight Against Factory Farming
- Gender justice and livestock farming: A feminist analysis of livestock and forest policy-making
- Gender justice at the heart of forest conservation for Indigenous women in Africa
- Get to know the Belém Declaration
- GFC Annual Report 2008
- GFC Annual Report 2009
- GFC Annual Report 2010
- GFC Annual Report 2011
- GFC Annual Report 2012
- GFC Annual Report 2013
- GFC Annual Report 2014
- GFC Annual Report 2015
- GFC Annual Report 2016
- GFC Annual Report 2017
- GFC Annual Report 2018: Defending rights and the power of community conservation
- GFC Annual Report 2019: Forest protection through rights-based action and advocacy
- GFC Annual Report 2020
- GFC Annual Report 2021
- GFC at CBD COP 16
- GFC at COP 29
- GFC challenges the notion of environmentally and socially responsible commercial forestry in Africa
- GFC condemns attacks by Myanmar military junta on Indigenous communities
- GFC deeply congratulates and celebrates with LVC on its historic victory!
- GFC Demands Stronger Action in the Convention on Biological Diversity
- GFC in the News: World Environment Day and the Importance of Community Conservation
- GFC interviewed about the new Global Biodiversity Framework
- GFC joins calls for IDB to reject loan request for cattle ranch expansion in Paraguay
- GFC Joins CSOs in Calling Out Biodiversity Markets as False Solutions
- GFC Partners with WECF in the Green Livelihoods Alliance
- GFC points finger at South Korea for taking advantage of climate accounting loophole to expand biomass industry
- GFC points out problems with forest offsets in Guyana
- GFC Posters for the World Forestry Congress 2015
- GFC report cited in Uganda carbon offsetting investigation
- GFC side-event at UNFCCC COP22 November 2016: Addressing Climate Change through Land Use: Supporting Corporations or Communities?
- GFC side-event at UNFCCC COP23 on November 2017: Livestock, Biosequestration and Forests
- GFC Side-event at UNFCCC intersessional on May 2017: What’s at Steak? Land Use, Livestock, Offsets and the Climate Regime
- GFC stands with our LAC members and frontline communities – UN member states must immediately end the financing of false solutions
- GFC Submission to UNEP at final round of intergovernmental negotiations on NbS
- GFC’s Annual Report 2023 is out now
- GFC’s Statement on Palestine
- Ghana asked to adopt Community Conservation Resilience Initiative
- Ghana asked to adopt Community Conservation Resilience Initiative
- Global Climate Coalition Issues COP24 Demands, Calls for an End to Corporate Capture
- Global coalition releases liability “roadmap” for governments to Make Big Polluters Pay
- Global Forest Coalition 2014 Annual Report
- Global Forest Coalition and allies’ events in Chile
- Global Forest Coalition brings together Latin American members to plan future actions in the face of the climate crisis
- Global Forest Coalition expresses solidarity with the Colombian people
- Global Forest Coalition featured on Women Rising Radio
- Global Forest Coalition participates in the Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Peoples’ Integration
- Global Leaders Urged to Urgently Reject Corporate-Backed Deceptions and Redirect Funding to Real Climate Solutions
- Government silent on over 313 murders of human rights and environment defenders, denounce Colombian activists
- Grassroots Communities’ conservation practices in Kenya receive award on World Environment Day
- Green Climate Fund Supports Deforestation in Paraguay
- Green groups urge FAO to change “misleading” forest definition
- Greta Thunberg and the UN Climate Summit should reject monoculture tree plantations as a false solution
- Groups Demand World Bank Shift Lending away from Industrial Animal Agriculture
- Guahory women fight for the earth
- Guaraní Women Leaders in Bolivia Share Successful Land Struggle on Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- Guaraní women’s environmental and gender justice struggle highlighted in Ms. Magazine
- Guardians of Earth’s Tomorrow: Agromandala
- Guardians of Earth’s Tomorrow: How three visionary feminist organisations are changing the landscape of food justice and forest/biodiversity-protection
- Guardians of Earth’s Tomorrow: The Seed Fairs of Heñói
- Guardians of Earth’s Tomorrow: The TreeBox Project
- Halt biodiversity loss and corporate-led false solutions that exclude Indigenous Peoples, women and local communities, GFC says
- Here We Go Again: The South Korea Olympics will kick off one year today. Will they face the same popular resistance as Rio?
- HerstoryofChange on International Day of Forests – The Story of Jeanette Sequeira
- Hot and Cold at the Second Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2)
- How China’s Growing Appetite for Meat Affects Us All
- How Harvard’s investments exacerbate global land and water conflicts
- How indigenous nomadic pastoralists in Iran are using GIS maps to defend and conserve their territories
- ICCA Consortium announces upcoming report on Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ territories of life
- IDB Invest Drops Controversial Loan to Brazilian Beef Giant Marfrig Global Foods
- If women stop, the world stops: we’re supporting the Women’s Global Strike on International Women’s Day
- Imparable crecimiento en emisiones y consumo ganadero global
- Implementation of forest rights in protected areas virtually non-existent, claims new report
- Implementing SDG 15.2: GFC’s analysis in Armenia, Benin, Colombia and Paraguay
- Implications of Katowice: Where human rights were ignored while big business captured the negotiations
- Improving Cooperation at the Regional Level
- IMVELO-YETHU MEYN workshop and excursion
- In 10 states, compensatory afforestation violating forest rights and conservation laws
- In Memory of Dr. Tengiz (Gizo) Urushadze
- In Memory of Khadija Catherine Razavi
- In the aftermath of the Paris Agreement, nature and humanity lose
- In tree plantations in Paraguay, public money is driving private profit: What is Germany’s role?
- Incentivising deforestation for livestock products
- Indigenous and community leaders demand support for their own conservation efforts and a halt to people-less conservation
- Indigenous and Local Communities launch crucial report to help governments appropriately recognize and support community conservation
- Indigenous and local communities’ conservation practices need policy support, says new global report
- Indigenous and Rural Women Conserve Mother Earth and Empower Their Communities
- Indigenous Communities are at the Heart of Conserving Biodiversity and Protecting Mother Earth
- Indigenous communities urge governments to support their biodiversity conservation initiatives
- Indigenous Mapuche Play Key Role Protecting Chile’s Environment
- Indigenous peoples and communities are key to mainstreaming biodiversity, highlights new report on Earth Day
- Indigenous Peoples of the World: Guardians of Earth and Biodiversity
- Indigenous Sami under threat from logging in Sweden
- Indigenous West Sumatran Women Protect Forest
- Industria de carne y lácteos devasta bosques de México y AL
- Industria de carne y lácteos, de las mayores destructoras de bosques
- Industria De La Carne Y Los Lácteos Destruye Bosques Y Biodiversidad
- Industria de la carne y los lácteos destruye bosques y biodiversidad
- Industry Hype & Misdirected Science Undercuts Real Energy/Climate Solutions Genetically Engineering Poplars for Paper and Biofuels Condemned
- Influence of GM feedstock products for industrial livestock farming and related pesticides on human health and the environment
- Influence of Russian consumption of unsustainably produced livestock products on climate change
- International Civil Aviation Day: Carbon offsets for aviation are a false climate solution
- International Civil Aviation Day: Say no to carbon offsets for aviation!
- International coalition of green groups speaks out against renewable energy subsidies being spent on biofuels and burning wood
- International condemnation of the murder of indigenous leader Bertha Cáceres in Honduras
- International Day against monoculture tree plantations
- International Day of Action on Big Biomass 2023
- International Day of Peasant Struggle // Industrial meat production: reshaping the world in its own image
- International groups team up with locals in opposition to Nuon Biomass Plant
- International Mother Earth Day 2024: An Ode to Mother Earth
- International Strategy Meeting Summary Report: Impacts of Unsustainable Livestock and Feed Production and Threats to Community Conservation in Paraguay
- International Women’s Day: An Occasion to Recall that the Fight Continues
- Intl Day of Peasant Struggles: Launch of case study on agroecological shelters in Argentina
- IPCC’s missing pathways to real climate solutions: Towards a gender transformative and rights-based policy approach to climate modeling
- Is the BRI in line with an “ecological civilization?” Whose future counts?
- Join the International Day of Action on Big Biomass! 21 October 2021
- Joint Position Paper of the ICCA Consortium, Global Forest Coalition and Community Conservation Resilience Initiative on the Draft Decisions CBD COP13
- Joint Statement: Don’t Fuel the Fire
- Kuna Indigenous People: Community Conservation Resilience Initiative in Panama
- La industria de carnes y lácteos destruye bosques y la biodiversidad
- La tecnología del exterminio
- Land rights and livelihoods key to achieving sustainable development for Kenya’s indigenous women
- Latest Draft Confirms TNFD’s Reputation as ‘The Next Frontier In Corporate Greenwashing On Nature’
- Latin America report: gender assessments reveal gap between real life and the UN’s good intentions
- Latin America wide platform established to campaign against free trade agreements
- Latin American leaders and the road towards COP30 in Belem
- Latin American organizations call for urgent systemic change at COP16 biodiversity summit
- Letter from ‘Kick Big Polluters Out’ on COP28 Presidency
- Letter of Concern from GFC and FOEI to Green Climate Fund on Monoculture Tree Plantations
- Letter of concern to the European Investment Bank (EIB) to stop finance for industrial livestock production
- Livestock Farming, Communities, Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Livestock, EU Mercosur – Warnruf aus dem Süden
- Local communities’ unique conservation practices need policy support in Georgia, says new global report
- Los ecologistas afean a la FAO que promocione “la quema de los bosques”
- Lost and Damaged: From Climate COP to Biodiversity COP
- Market mechanisms and money: an overview of what’s at stake at COP25 in Madrid
- Meat as a Driver of Deforestation: Forests, communities and Indigenous Peoples: victims of the industrial livestock and feedstock industry
- Meat as a Driver of Deforestation: Forests, communities and Indigenous Peoples: victims of the industrial livestock and feedstock industry
- Meat Atlas 2021: Gender, poverty and livestock farming
- Media Advisory: Joint Press Conference COP15: Biodiversity’s Paris or Biodiversity’s Copenhagen?
- Media Advisory: New GFC Report Highlights the Risks of Large-scale Biosequestration as a form of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Media Release: Urgent action required to halt the gender, environmental and human rights impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
- Milestone gender and environment report from UNEP shows gender should be at heart of sustainable development
- Mobilize and Organize to Stop and Prevent Planet Fever!
- Monoculture Tree Plantations: Fuelling the Climate Fire
- Movements, civil society counter anti-people UN Food Systems Summit
- Mpumalanga Environmental Youth Network engagement meeting with government
- Mujeres ignoradas en la Cumbre de Biodiversidad, denuncian activistas
- National CCRI workshops held in Africa
- Nature-based Solutions to climate change harmful to women, new report finds
- NbS consultations end with confused and non-agreed outcomes
- Negative impacts of tree plantations ignored by Northern consumer countries
- Nepal’s community forests on the front lines against COVID-19
- New briefing paper | “The Devil’s Totality”: Paraguay’s Struggle Against Agribusiness and Monoculture
- New Briefing Paper Highlights Dangers Of A Fraudulent Accounting Framework On Land Use To Potential Climate Agreement
- New briefing paper on the impacts of the EU-Mercosur trade deal
- New briefing reveals shocking scale of planned forest biomass industry growth
- New briefing: Agroecological alternatives to industrial livestock production
- New briefing: Can sustainability and greenhouse gas standards protect the climate, forests and communities from the impacts of wood-based bioenergy?
- New gender equality report on Latin America cites gap between UN goals and local realities
- New GFC report shines a spotlight on devastating impacts of false climate solutions
- New paper for World Food Day from Brighter Green
- New report: Assessing the Gender, Environmental, and Human Rights Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
- New Report: The Great REDD+ Climate Illusion
- New Report: The State of Industrial Livestock in Asia and its Impacts on Deforestation and Livelihoods
- New times for women and gender issues in biodiversity conservation
- Ngodwana Biomass Energy Project: Can wood sourced from industrial timber plantations ever be sustainable?
- NGOs Call for Disinvestments in Biodiversity Destruction
- NGOs Call on UN Climate Conference to Fix Flawed Carbon Accounting Rules: Don’t let our future go up in smoke!
- NGOs in global action against large-scale biomass energy
- No landgrabbing for industrial biomass! Statement from Africa on #BigBadBiomass
- No more false climate solutions: Press conference at COP27 Nov. 10
- No more Rhetoric: It’s time for money to be redirected to a gender-responsive, rights-based ecosystems approach to halt biodiversity loss
- Olympia: Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier…
- On International Day of Rural Women celebrate women-led struggle for gender-justice
- On International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples we welcome the IPCC’s recognition of the role that indigenous women, and men, play in forest protection, climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation
- On International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, celebrate pastoralism as an alternative to unsustainable livestock production
- On Stakeholders, Rightsholder and Conflicts of Interests in Agenda2030
- Op-ed in Ms. Magazine: Beware of Climate Colonialism at COP27
- Op-ed: EU-Latin America Free Trade Agreements Fuel Food Crises Globally
- Open Ended Committee of Representatives (OECPR-2) – UNEA-2
- Open Letter opposing the Energy Charter Treaty and the proposed inclusion of biomass energy in it
- Open letter to the Global Environment Facility and UNDP: no more climate finance for tree plantations and bioenergy
- Open Letter to the Member States of the United Nations on Draft Zero Binding Treaty
- Open letter: International development banks must stop funding industrial livestock farming
- Open letter: Ireland’s peat power stations must be shut down, not gradually converted to biomass
- Organising for an International Day of Action on Big Biomass on 21 October 2022
- Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health: community conservation in Sri Lanka
- Our food is not your business
- Our land is worth more than carbon
- Our Nature is Not Your Solution – and FAO’s Plantations are even less of a Solution!
- Outside COP21: real change and alternatives by and for the people
- Over 120 groups from around the world declare large scale forest biomass energy a dangerous ‘delusion’
- Over 60 groups publish open letter in opposition to a coal-to-biomass conversion in Portugal
- Overwhelming Opposition to USDA Proposal to Legalize Genetically Engineered Eucalyptus Trees
- Pacific Island Delegates at International Conference Identify Endorsement and Implementation of UNDRIP as Advocacy Priority
- Peasants and Afro-Descendants Preserve Mother Earth in Colombia
- People’s movements call to reclaim food systems from corporate control
- Peoples’ Solutions to Save the Planet
- Peoples’ voices and urgent solutions dismissed at COP24 in Katowice
- Perspectives from the South: Stocktake on the Latin American and Caribbean Encounter of Peoples’ Integration
- Photo essay: Respect rights over land and forest resources, and community conservation can cool the planet!
- Plans for burning Namibian wood in German power plants denounced
- Podcasting for Change – A Free Online Resource for Climate Justice Campaigners
- Policy Recommendations for CBD SBSTTA-21 and WG8(j)-10
- Policy Recommendations for CBD SBSTTA-22 and SBI-2
- Policy recommendations for the Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties 14
- Portugal’s perfect fire-storm: Industrial tree plantations and climate change
- Portuguese wildfires: early warnings hindered by damaged phone lines
- Post-Paris Plantations Will Devastate the Environment, Warn Activists on International Day Against Monoculture Plantations
- Poster: GFC contribution of community conservation to the implementation of the Aichi Targets
- Postpone COP26! CLARA members call on UN to speed up climate action, but delay the negotiations
- Potentials and Risks of the African Forest Landscape Restoration (AFR100) Initiative
- Presentan en COP13 inclusión de mujeres al CDB
- Presentation of the ICCA Consortium Programme
- Presentation: Community Conservation Resilience Initiative
- Presentation: Developing Strategies for Engagement in International Law and Policy Processes
- Presentation: Non-financial Means of Implementation
- Presenting Global Forest Coalition’s 2022 Annual Report
- Press Conference: HOME Alliance Says No to ‘Removals’ and Geoengineering in UNFCCC Article 6.4.
- Press release from Don’t Geoengineer Africa: A Warning Call from African Civil Society Organizations
- Press release: Foxes guard the “net zero” henhouse
- Press Release: Global Biodiversity Deal Calls for Divestment from Harmful Industries, Recognizes the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Women
- PRESS RELEASE: Historic Deforestation Target in UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Requires Real Transformation
- Press Release: Human Rights and Environmental Concerns Found in UN-financed large-scale Livestock Project in Colombia
- Press release: Indigenous Leaders and Environmental Advocates at COP29 Call for an End to REDD+ Mechanism Amid Rights Violations and Deforestation
- Press Release: Protect Tropical Rainforests From Energy Transition Policies Based on Land Use
- Press release: Putting Rainforests into Fuel Tanks? Groups Warn IMO Against Biofuel Disaster
- Press Statement: Global North Must Immediately Divest From False Climate Solutions
- Pressure mounts to remove polluters, not just oil exec, from UN climate talks
- Proposed conversion of former coal plant to biomass is a high risk for investors, new study shows
- Protected Areas as a Threat to the Sustainable Development Goals
- Pulp and paper giant denounced as the first delivery of eucalyptus arrives in Portugal from Mozambique
- Q&A: Forests soak up greenhouse gases, so how do we ensure their protection?
- Quito Declaration: Tackling Industrial Animal Production
- Rautahat and Bara reject Parsa park expansion
- RCEP In India: A Creamy Deal For Transnational Dairy Corporations, Growing Resistance From Farmers
- Real Solutions, Not False Promises: A Joint Call to Action
- Recognising the Contributions of Women & Local Communities is Required to Achieve the SDGs in Nepal
- REDD+ and the Green Climate Fund: Confirming the Worst Fears
- Redirection of Perverse Incentives for Unsustainable Livestock Production: Guidance for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Strategic Plan
- Remembering “Papo”, Elias Diaz Peña Echeguren
- Remembering Ericson Quoigbay
- Remembering Estebancio Castro-Diaz
- Remembering Fany Avila
- Remembering Ghanimat Azhdari
- Remembering Neimatullo Safarov
- Remembering Nimal Hewanila
- Remembering Peter deMarsh
- Repeal Chile’s Usurpation Law, which violates international Indigenous Rights law and sets a dangerous precedent for violating Indigenous land rights
- Report by the Global Forest Coalition on the impact of beef production
- Report: Tourism’s Impact on Communities in East Africa: Integrating Biocultural Protocols in Tourism and Biodiversity Policies
- Respect for women’s rights at stake: The gap between real life and the UN’s good intentions
- Roll up, roll up! The Net Zero Circus is coming to a forest near you
- Roots July 2024: Uniting for Forests and Forest Peoples
- Roots Newsletter April 2019: Respect traditional knowledge and promote community-led conservation!
- Roots Newsletter April 2021: Challenging times, but planning for the future
- Roots Newsletter August 2019: importance of Indigenous Peoples and community conservation finally recognised by IPCC
- Roots Newsletter August 2020: feminist demands at HLPF and beyond through Women2030
- Roots Newsletter December 2018: strength and solidarity for the year ahead!
- Roots Newsletter December 2019: ¡unidas somos mas fuertes!
- Roots Newsletter December 2021: Happy new year!
- Roots Newsletter December 2024
- Roots Newsletter January 2018
- Roots Newsletter March 2020: GFC has 101 member groups and a new chairperson!
- Roots Newsletter May 2022: Moving beyond lockdowns and quarantines!
- Roots Newsletter November 2020: GFC is 20 today!
- Roots Newsletter September 2021: The seeds we plant grow roots
- Roots Newsletter Август 2019: МГЭИК наконец признала важность коренных народов и сохранения общин
- Roots Newsletter Август 2020: феминистские требования через женщин2030
- Roots Newsletter Апрель 2019 года: «Уважать традиционные знания и поддерживать деятельность общин по сохранению окружающей среды»
- Roots Newsletter Декабрь 2018 года: сила и солидарность на будущий год!
- Roots Newsletter Декабрь 2019: Вместе мы сильнее!
- Roots Newsletter Декабрь 2021: С новым годом!
- Roots Newsletter марш 2020: В GFC 101 группа участников и новый председатель!
- Roots Newsletter сентябрь 2021: Семена, которые мы сажаем, укореняются
- Roots Newsletter: Uniting for Forests and Forest Peoples | April 2024
- Roots of Resilience Episode 2: Struggle and Hope
- Roots of Resilience Episode 3: The Land is Not For Sale
- Roots of Resilience Episode 4: Africa Rising
- Roots of Resilience Episode 5 Reflections from COP28
- Roots of Resilience: A Podcast from the Global Forest Coalition
- Run Forests, Run! Six reasons why forests must run from Articles 6.2 and 6.4 of the Paris Agreement
- Safeguard women against development -led disasters – Withanage
- Saving tigers, killing people
- Se consumirán 71% más animales para 2050
- Sharing Initial Findings of the CCRI at the IUCN World Conservation Congress
- Short-term research contract: Unsustainable livestock farming in Asia
- Simone Lovera of Global Forest Coalition wins prestigious Forest Award
- Slow down the process of growth; stop over-exploitation. There is more to just development.
- So schützt du den Wald vor deiner Haustür
- Solidarity with Eastern DRC amid attacks on people and environment by March 23 Movement
- Solidarity with the Mapuche People
- Solomon Islands’ National CCRI Workshop Highlights Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Community Plans to Revitalise Customary Decision-making Systems
- South Africa: Community Takes Conservation into Their Hands in Spirit of Ubuntu
- Stakeholders Sensitize On Forest Conservation
- Stalemate in the WTO but…. No permanent solution for the right to food
- Statement against burning Namibian bushwood in German heat and power plants
- Statement in response to the assassination of Venezuelan indigenous leader Virgilio Trujillo Arana
- Statement of feminist and women’s organisations on the very alarming trends in the negotiations of outcome document of the 57th session of the UN commission on the status of women
- STATEMENT: Africa is crying, our forest, our life!
- Statement: Monoculture Tree Plantations Are Not Forests!
- Stolen land and fading forests in Chile: New report on conflict plantations
- Stop the ECB subsidising climate disaster
- Striving for gender justice in forest and biodiversity governance: reflections on our exchange and capacity workshop parallel to the international biodiversity negotiations
- Struggle against industrial livestock and feedstock production; Support for small farmer agroecology
- Summit of the Peoples #FueraOMC: Building Sovereignty
- Support Communities to Conserve Real Forests, Stop Industry’s Fake Forests
- Surviving Ten Days in Bonn
- Sustainable Development Goals and Gender
- Swallowing Indonesia’s forests: New report reveals how Indonesia’s proposed food estate projects threaten a social and environmental disaster of global concern
- Sweden’s forest crimes: “Today’s forestry threatens forests and the climate”
- Tajikistan organized the first CCRI national workshop among GFC groups in 2016
- Tell FSC: Keep GE trees out of our forests!
- Testimony from Chaus Uslaini
- The 3rd United Nations Environment Assembly: a growing marketplace for the private sector
- The Big Con of “All Sources” of Finance
- The big four drivers of deforestation: events in Bonn, May 2018
- The bittersweet results of the climate talks in Bonn
- The Carbon Conspiracy: False Promises, Real Threats
- The Chaco under attack
- The coming tragedy of Paris: A disastrous climate deal that will see the planet burn
- The cynical 17%: Why we should conserve biodiversity for people and by people instead of protecting it from people
- The dangerous drifting shift of the GCF towards bioenergy
- The Dark Side of Technology: Coltan Mining in the DRC and its Human Rights and Environmental Impacts
- The Dark Side of the Bioeconomy: Climate Catastrophe, Forest Destruction, and Human Rights Abuses
- The dirty deal that is on the table – an update from Paris
- The Elephant in the COP15 Negotiations Rooms: Global Tourism and Its Impacts on Biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples
- The End of False Solutions: Moving Towards Rights-Based and Gender Transformative Solutions to Climate Change
- The False Promise of Biodiversity Offsets: Launch of a New Analysis by GFC
- The Forest Investment Program: Recent Developments, Funding Constraints and Monoculture Tree Plantations
- The forests are in crisis but biotechnology is not the solution
- The Global Forest Coalition at COP27
- The Global Forest Coalition statement of solidarity with Pablo Solón
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Historical Deal for Biodiversity
- The Green Climate Fund 12th Meeting of the Board: Main Outcomes and Controversies
- The Green Climate Fund is driving a paradigm shift – but in the wrong direction
- The impacts of tree plantations on women & women-led resistance to monocultures
- The Impacts of Unsustainable Livestock Farming and Soybean Production in Paraguay – A Case Study
- The importance of integrating gender in sustainable forest governance: findings and recommendations from the GLA1 Gender Assessment
- The industrialisation of forest-based bioenergy in Nepal and its impacts on women and other forest-dependent peoples
- The industrialisation of the Bioeconomy poses risks to the climate, the environment, and people
- The Mpumalanga Environmental Youth Network meets with WWFSA and WESSA
- The Net Zero Files: How greenwash is being used to reduce climate ambition
- The outcome of UNEA consultations on NbS is not suitable as a basis for CBD negotiations
- The path to avoid the point of no return of tropical forests in the Amazon, Congo and Indonesia
- The Phantom of the COP21 Opera: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
- The Poland Climate Conference Is Awash in Corporate Meddling
- The post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, a massive step back in time
- The Power of Indigenous Women in Protecting Forests and Biodiversity
- The rights of Indigenous Peoples are key to saving our global ecosystems
- The rights of Indigenous Peoples are key to saving our global ecosystems
- The seeds we plant grow roots – A booklet of impact stories from the Women 2030 Program
- The Smooth Operators of Biodiversity Conservation
- The Summits of the Destroyers-in-Chief: We must resist the corporate takeover of the UN’s food, biodiversity and climate agenda
- The TNFD: What it is, who’s behind it and why it’s a major greenwashing risk
- The UN Declaration on Peasant Rights is a massive victory for humanity!
- The whole of MERCOSUR in exchange for a plate of beef
- The Women2030 program – a celebration of impact!
- The World Social Forum between politics and NGOs
- There will be no going back from the climate chaos if we don’t halt polluting corporations and change the system
- These are not forests: The Arbaro Fund and monoculture tree plantations in Paraguay
- Thousands fear for their livelihoods as Hidroituango dam crisis intensifies
- Thousands mobilize to call for food systems that empower people, not companies
- Time to turn the tide on industrial animal farming: path towards post-pandemic sustainable food systems
- To confront the climate emergency we need to dismantle the WTO and the free trade regime
- Transformative change with environmental and gender justice demands real solutions on climate, not schemes like “Nature-Based Solutions”
- Trees for Global Benefit Uganda: A Case Study on the Failures of Carbon Offsetting
- Udege People: Between Traditional Forest Environment and Law
- UN Global Biodiversity Framework Must Uphold Human Rights and Focus on Real, Gender-Just, Community-Based Solutions
- UN institutions must comply with target to halt deforestation by 2020, say forest groups on International Day for Biological Diversity
- UN Member States: Reject False Climate Solutions, Direct Policy and Funding to Immediate Carbon Emissions Reductions and Real Solutions
- UN plans for aviation biofuels and carbon offsets condemned by 88 organisations worldwide
- UN Postpones Action to Halt Deforestation by 10 Years under Pressure from Industry
- UN Recognizes Meat Production’s Impact on Deforestation and Land Grabbing
- UNFF12 – the most quiet session so far
- Update from Brussels: debates on land use and bioenergy run high
- Urgent help needed for those affected by the dam tragedy in Colombia
- Urgent: We reject order that Gustavo Castro stay 30 days longer in Honduras
- Using Electoral Rights to Negotiate Community Forest Rights
- Venta de cárnicos y lácteos, principal factor del cambio climático
- Video: Call on the World Bank to #StopFinancingFactoryFarming
- Viewpoint: ‘Circumventing evolution’ with genetically modified trees puts ecosystems at risk
- Warning issued to investors: Forest biomass is risky business
- Watch now: GFC’s Press Conference Calling for Urgent Divestment from False Solutions
- Watch: ‘Ready to Launch’, GFC speaks at the UNFCCC 2022 side event
- Watch: GFC speaks at ‘Climate Justice Pathways for Real Zero, Real Finance, and Real Action’, UNFCCC 2022 Side-Event
- We are the Real Forest Heroes Message to the XIV World Forestry Congress from the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
- We Can’t Achieve Climate Justice Without Gender Justice: A Response to the Glasgow Talks
- We condemn violations of the right to protest and attacks on human rights and water defenders protesting against Carroll Farms in the Libres-Oriental Basin
- We Know What’s Behind Biodiversity Loss—It’s Time to Actually Tackle It
- We will sincerely miss you, Wally Menne
- Webinar series: Fueling agro-industrial livestock production
- Webinar series: Unsustainable livestock farming and its alternatives in a time of COVID-19 – save the dates!
- Webinar: Gender-Just and Community Rights Perspectives on Pathways to 1.5
- Webinar: Impacts of tourism
- Webinar: The Power of Indigenous Women in Protecting Forests and Biodiversity
- Welcoming GFC’s new Policy Director
- What India’s INDC does not tell you about its forests
- What’s at “Steak?” The Need for a Just and Sustainable Global Food System
- What’s at Steak? Impacts of the industrial livestock and feedstock sector on forests, biodiversity, farmers and communities
- What’s at steak? The real cost of meat
- White Paper launched on a just transition from industrial animal production
- Who Makes Decisions at the CBD? The Increasing Power of Business in Biodiversity Protection
- Who Really Benefits? How REDD+ Fails Forests and Those Who Protect Them – A new Briefing from GFC
- Whose Land, Whose Forests? The Gendered Impacts and Colonial Roots of Extractive Industries
- Why the Green Climate Fund must reject Arbaro’s plantations
- Will COP16 on Biodiversity Listen to Indigenous Women or Corporate Lobbyists?
- WMG panel presentation at the 8th session of the open working group on SDGs
- Women beekeepers flourish in their love of the land and community conservation in the threatened Páramo de Santurbán area
- Women contribute to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance discussion on nature-based solutions
- Women groups task UNEA-3 on safeguards for environmental defenders
- Women Ignored by United Nations Biodiversity Summit, Denounce Activists
- Women warn UN High Level Political Forum could become futile if it does not address systemic obstacles to Sustainable Development Goals
- Women who have been tortured for the environment
- Women’s Major Group on COVID-19 and the environment: support real solutions that respect human rights
- Women’s leadership in forest conservation and governance is central for an equal future: Voices from GFC
- Women’s Major Group launches Position Paper for 2022 High-Level Political Forum
- Women’s rights and traditional knowledge are crucial for conserving biodiversity in Kyrgyzstan
- Women2030 global shadow report: Gender equality on the ground
- Working to End the Financing of Factory Farming – GFC and the S3F campaign
- World Bank urged to drop a $50 million loan for factory farm expansion in Ecuador because of health, social and environmental impacts
- World Environment Day from a feminist perspective
- World Food Day and the fires next time: Mortgaging the future of the planet for meat and dairy
- World Food Day: Lessons from COVID-19 can lead the way to sustainable food systems
- Worldwide environmental leaders tackle conservation threats at Montreal conference
- WTO and Livestock: Starving small farmers, feeding large agribusinesses
- You’ve probably never heard about TNFD, but it threatens to be the new frontier in corporate greenwashing
- Youth Activists Submit Their Demands at COP24: ‘We’re Fighting. Where Are You?’
- Zero deforestation by 2020 as one of key solutions to climate crisis
- Информационный бюллетень «Корни», апреля 2021: Сложные времена, но планы на будущее
- Информационный бюллетень Roots: Единство в защиту лесов и лесных народов | апрель 2024 г.
- ЛЕСНОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ 60: Как Инициатива «Пояс и путь» влияет на женщин и леса?
- Перспективы и риски лесного туризма в России
- Приветствуя нового директора по политике GFC
- Хранители завтрашнего дня Земли: Проект TreeBox
- 200 environmental women defenders killed in 2017: Activists
- 21 September – International Day against Monoculture Tree Plantations
- 21 September: GFC commemorates the international day of struggle against monoculture plantations
- 21st March, the International Day of Mourning for Millions of Hectares of Destroyed and Stolen Forests
- 21st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and 10th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- 37th Issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 38th Issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 39th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 40th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 41st issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 42nd issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 43rd issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 44th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 45th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 46th issue of Forest Cover, the newsletter of the Global Forest Coalition
- 4th Agriculture and Rural Development Day – Promoting the “Cerrado [agribusiness] model”
- A Pathetic REDD Package
- About Dignity and Transformation – Where will the SDGs lead us?
- About Forests, Budgets and the CBD Underdog Mentality
- About ICCAs, climate change and perverse incentives for biodiversity conservation
- About Perversities and Other People’s Money
- Access Denied: a View of the CSW from the Outside
- Aceh Plans to Clear 1.2 million Hectares of Protected Forest Trigger Alarm over Increase in Landslides, Floods and other Natural Disasters
- Activist Groups Denounce Bio-economy and Sustainable Biomass Myth on International Day against Monoculture Tree Plantations
- Activist Sandra Viviana Cuellar – One Year after her Disappearance in Cali, Colombia
- Advocating to Scrap the EU Emissions Trading Scheme is Advocating for Climate Policy that Works
- African peasants reject corporate seed laws and assault on peasant seeds and food sovereignty
- Alternatives to Failed Forest Carbon Offset Schemes promoted at Climate Talks
- An Appeal on behalf of Civil Society regarding the proposed golf tournament of COP Delegates at the Hyderabad golf course
- AND THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS REDD FAIRY TALE IS…. “REDD will support Indigenous Peoples”
- Appeal for Solidarity for Nepal Earthquake Victims
- Appeal to CBD Alliance for writing to the Prime Minister of India on violation of forest and community rights
- Appeal to India & to the UN on Forest Communities’ Biodiversity & Human Rights based Development
- Appeal: Freedom to Evgeny Vitishko!
- As UN Declares International Year of Forests, Groups Demand Solutions to Root Causes of Deforestation
- As UN Security Council meets on immediate crises in Gaza and Ukraine, Governments adopt a long term vision and set of goals for sustainable and peaceful development
- Asia Pacific women demand States’ commitment to gender equality and women’s rights – The future women want!
- At International Meeting on Sustainable Future, Women are Referred to in Unacceptable Terms
- Aviation Industry Plans Roadmap for Faster Forest Destruction
- Biodiversity and Livelihoods under Attack from Industrial Bio-economy Strategy
- Biodiversity in suspense
- Bioenergy and Forests
- Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration requires Massive Quantities of Biomass
- Biofuels – a Failure for Africa
- Biofuels: Is the CBD asleep at the wheel?
- Biofuelwatch in Cancun
- Brief comments on two recent articles: 1. Editorial: Meeting global challenges in forestry / 2. The World (Fake) Forestry Congress
- Briefing Paper: Mainstreaming Biodiversity and the Resilience of Community Conservation
- Briefing Paper: What can Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women expect from Global Climate and Forests Funds in terms of their rights?
- Briefing paper: Wood-based bio-energy: the green lie
- Burning the Planet, One Climate COP at a time
- Campaign to Target Genetically Engineered Trees at Occupy Monsanto Conference
- Canada, UK given ‘Dodo Awards’ by Civil Society – Governments Singled out on Geo-engineering, Biofuels and Financing
- Cancún COP16: Climate Justice Experts Available for Interviews
- Cancún Opens for GREEN Business, but REDD Will Destroy Indigenous Forest Cultures
- Cancun: Anger grows at World Bank role in climate finance
- CBD-COP 11: Civil Society Opening Statement
- Civil society concern over the Hague conference on agriculture and climate change
- Civil Society Views in Scaling up Biodiversity Finance, Resource Mobilization, and Innovative Financial Mechanisms
- CJN! Intervention at SBI
- Climate Finance, Results-based Payments and Conservation by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
- Climate Justice Now! Demands Social Justice at COP16
- Climate Justice Research on REDD & REDD+
- Close loopholes, do not expand CDM
- Comments on FSC at Risk: Greenpeace Progress Report
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) Full Country Reports:
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) Global Report and Case Studies
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) Preliminary Report
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (CCRI) toolkit
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative Legal Review
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative Training Toolkit
- Community Conservation Resilience Initiative: Methodology
- Comunicado sobre las Declaraciones del Ministro Gattini – Paraguay
- Confused Climate Solutions (CCS)
- Cop10hagen and the Redd-Green Economy
- COP17 for Dummies
- Cumbre de la Tierra Rio+20 Intoxicada
- Cyberaction: Sandra missing for 6 months and still in our hearts
- Declaración de redes participantes en la Cumbre de los Pueblos de Santiago de Chile
- Declaración: Para hacer frente a la emergencia climática debemos desmantelar la OMC y el régimen de libre comercio
- Demolishing democracy: An Oppressive State violates its own rules – India
- Doha Updates: MRV as a Trojan Horse for Carbon Markets?
- Earth Grab: The Rush to Make Agriculture Fuel the Global Economy
- El Capitalismo Verde y el BID
- El Gobierno portugués sufre las primeras críticas por la tragedia
- Environmental Groups Denounce False Forest Policies as UN Year of Forests Opens
- EU bio-energy targets cause biodiversity loss
- EU Green Paper on forests and climate change: missed opportunity
- European Tour on Woody Bioenergy
- Exhibition on Green Land Grabbing Launched
- Expanding palm oil empires in the name of ‘green energy’ and “sustainable development’
- Farmers’ Actions Victoriously Shut down Bioethanol Plant
- Farmers’ militant actions victoriously shut down the bioethanol plant – Demanding the EcoFuel to immediately vacate their land
- First Impressions from the Preparatory Meetings for Rio+20
- Fiu Mata’ese Elisara next GFC Board Chair
- Forest and Indigenous Groups Reject Cancún Forest Deal
- Forest and Indigenous Groups Reject Cancún Forest Deal
- Forest Campaigners Denounce REDD as a Grimm Fairy Tale; Indigenous Communities Declare Safeguards Will Not Work
- Forest Policy Fails to Address the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Degradation
- Forest Policy Fails to Address the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Degradation
- Forests Rescue Plan Riddled with Uncertainties
- Forests, Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development – No Connection according to UN logic
- Fracturing solidarity: The Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement in context
- From Bangkok to Katowice: In whose interests are the climate negotiations?
- From People’s Rights to Corporate Privilege: A South Feminist Critique of The HLP Report on Post 2015 Development Agenda
- Frustrating Times in the Fight against Biofuel Burning and Deforestation
- Genetically Engineered Trees and Glowing Synthetic Plants? No Thanks
- GFC Events in RIO+20
- GFC in Cancun
- GFC’s Annual Report 2013
- GFC’s Biofuels Statement at COP11
- GFC’s intervention during REDD+ discussion at CBD’s COP11
- Global Forest Coalition and Partners Demand Inclusion of Cochabamba Outcomes in UN Climate Process
- Global Forest Coalition Press Conference
- Global Forest Coalition to United Nations: Nature at Whose Service?
- Global Forest Coalition’s Annual Report 2010
- Global Forest Coalition’s Annual Report 2012
- Global Forest Coalition’s Annual Report 2011
- Going beyond Price and Seeking the Multiple Values of Biodiversity
- Green Economy: in the light of climate negotiations
- Greenwash Our Way Into Oblivion – The Vacant Climate Plan
- Groups Globally Oppose Plans to Burn Wood for Electricity Citing Impacts on Forests, Climate, Communities
- Iberá in conflict: national route 118 blocked in demand of land and against forestry plantations
- In memoriam – Graham Vahia, GFC’s focal point for Oceania
- In Memoriam: Environmentalist Ricardo Carrere
- Indigenous and Community-led Forest Initiatives Offer Solutions to Today’s Problems Local Communities Need Rights and Respect, Not REDD
- Indigenous Leaders Alert the UNFCCC and the World to the Imminent Threat that REDD Poses to their Territories and Livelihoods
- Indigenous Peoples and Allies Call for a Moratorium on REDD+
- Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants, and peasant farmers resist “green deserts” in Brazil
- Industrial Livestock Production Key Threat to World’s Forests and Biodiversity
- Informe del Grupo de Articulación Internacional de la Cumbre de los Pueblos por Justicia Social y Ambiental por la Unidad y la Movilización de los Pueblos en Defensa de La Vida y los Bienes Comunes, la Justicia Social y Ambiental, Contra la Mercantilización De La Naturaleza Y La “Economía Verde”
- International Day of #RuralWomen: videos of Women2030 projects in Paraguay and Kenya
- International Day of Action for Climate Justice
- International Day of Action Targets Monoculture Tree Plantations – Ban on Genetically Engineered Trees Demanded
- International Indigenous Peoples Workshop on Aid and Development Effectiveness
- Intervention by the Global Forest Coalition at SBSTTA-17
- Intervention by the Women’s Major Group on Land Degradation, Desertification and Drought at the UN OWG SDG meeting 23 May 2013
- Intervention on CDM
- Invitación a firmar la declaración de rechazo a la captura de la Cumbre Climática de la ONU por las transnacionales
- Invitation a signer la declaration dénonçant la main-mise des multinationales sur le sommet sur le climat de l’ONU
- Invitation to sign on statement to denounce corporate takeover of Climate Summit
- IPBES: An Unbearable Burden
- Ironically Gender in the Fossil Patriarchy
- Is climate finance for cookstove and charcoal projects helping communities, forests or the climate?
- Is the G20 taking over the Earth Summit agenda?
- It is time the EU scraps its carbon Emissions Trading System
- It’s beginning to look a lot like…the WTO
- La Unión de Nativos Ayoreo de Paraguay se Manifiesta Ante una Nueva Situación que Afecta al Pueblo Ayoreo
- La Vía Campesina demands environmental and social justice, and respect for Mother Earth at the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP 16)
- Let us protect Kok-Jailau – one of the most popular spots in the Ile-Alatau National Park, Kazakhstan
- Letter to the Russian Ministry of Justice in Support of Ecodefense.
- Los Agrocombustibles Agudizan el Cambio Climático y la Inequidad
- LULUCF briefing: No offsets, no false accounting
- Major Groups: NGO, Women, Farmer’s, Workers and Trade Unions, and IPs, Youth and Children, (science and technology) at the Asia-Pacific Regional Implementation Meeting on Rio+20
- Maputo Declaration of African Civil Society on Climate Justice
- Margarita Declaration on Climate Change. Social PreCOP Preparatory Meeting: Changing the system, not the climate
- Media Alert: Bioeconomy as Main Promoter of Financialization of Nature
- Media alert: wood-based bioenergy, impact on forests and forest dependent people
- Media Release: Civil Society Groups Denounce Sustainable Energy for All Initiative promoted at Rio+20 Earth Summit
- Media release: Earth Day – European environmentalists support Italian environmental group targeted by paper industry
- Media Release: Environmental Groups Denounce Diversion of Forest Funding to REDD Plantations
- Media Release: Forest campaigners welcome opposition to REDD+ and other market-based approaches at Rio+20
- Media Release: Forest Groups Welcome Global Biodiversity Conference Call to Review Biofuel Subsidies and Incentives
- Media Release: Forest Policies from six countries shortlisted for Future Policy Award
- Media Release: International Environmental Organizations Condemn IKEA’s Logging of Old-growth Forests in Russia
- Media Release: The Bioeconomy is Bad for Biodiversity, Global Forest Coalition Warns
- Minga Informativa de Movimientos Sociales
- Missing the Woods for the Trees?
- Morning hearing on 4 February between the OWG Co-Chairs and Major Groups and other stakeholders
- Moving forward from the climate negotiation madness in Warsaw
- Nature Communications article shows ‘true colours’ of biochar advocates
- Nederlandse pensioenfondsen financieren ontbossing en daar kunnen en moeten ze iets aan doen
- Negative emissions: Scientists meet in Sweden for first international conference
- NEW REPORT – A Global Overview of Wood-based Bioenergy: Production, Consumption, Trends and Impacts
- New report by Swedish Society for Nature Conservation: Credibility at Stake – How FSC Sweden Fails to Safeguard Forest Biodiversity
- New Report Exposes UN REDD Program as Fundamentally Flawed
- New Report Highlights Indigenous Territories and Community Rights as Alternatives to Forest Carbon Markets
- New Report Reveals Major New Threats to Forests and Communities from European Bioenergy Policies
- New Report spells out Potential Negative Impacts of Bioeconomy and Markets in Environmental Services on Women
- New Report: REDD+ Does Not Address Underlying Causes of Forest Loss
- New Video Reveals Global Resistance to Forest-Carbon Projects: A Darker Shade of Green Documents Critical Perspectives on REDD
- NGO’s look to United Nations for Addressing Stora Enso’s Human Rights Violations in China
- Of biomass, ‘energy crops’, power stations and deforestation
- On 21st September the world must know the true costs of industrial monoculture tree plantations
- Open Call to Join the Climate Space at the WSF in Tunisia
- OPEN LETTER & SUPPORTING STATEMENT TO BE SENT TO CTNBio to STOP GE Trees and Support the call by Brazilian and Latin American groups to reject Genetically Engineered eucalyptus trees
- Open Letter of Concern to the International Donor Community about the Diversion of Existing Forest Conservation and Development Funding to REDD+
- Open Letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh – India: Gram Sabha’s voice in forest clearance needs to be strengthened, not diluted
- Open Letter: Growing Opposition to Round Table on Responsible Soy
- Organizations protest market-based conservation at CBD COP10
- Over 25.000 people tell Ahold: stop misleading consumers, Genetically Modified toxic soy is not responsible!
- Palm Oil: No Thanks: We scrub away the palm oil lobby’s dirty greenwashing
- People’s Goals Solidarity Message to the People of Ogoni on the 3rd Anniversary of UNEP Report
- People’s Manifesto for Biodiversity, 16-10-12
- Peoples Biodiversity Festival: the Commercialization of Biodiversity
- Press Conference: Monday, 8 October 2012, 11am Bioeconomy as Main Promoter of Financialization of Nature
- Press Release: People’s Biodiversity Festival: ‘Unity for Diversity’
- Press Release: GMO Trees and the Green Economy: Green Deserts for All?
- Prime Minister’s Address at CBD COP11 Is a Classic Case of Doublespeak
- Protect Gariwong Mountain – Letter to the International Olympic Committee
- Protests Inside and Outside COP-16 Climate Summit Expose the Corrupt COP Process, Uphold Cochabamba People’s Agreement as Path towards Real Solutions
- REDD Fiddlers on a Burning Roof
- REDD+ Finance should be Public, include “Non-carbon” Benefits, says South
- REDD+ Offsets Don’t Add Up
- Redirecting Government Support for Unsustainable Livestock Production key to Biodiversity Conservation, Claim New Report and Briefing Paper
- Reflections from the Regional Preparatory Meeting for Rio+20 for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
- Report: Meat from a Landscape Under Threat
- Respect the rights of ‘Pachamama’ in UN Climate negotiations
- Response to the UNFCCC Call for Views for Forests in Exhaustion
- Rio+20 agrees on outcome document
- RIO+20: From the Future We Want to the Future We Need Women’s Major Group Final Statement on the Outcomes of Rio+20
- Roots of Resilience Episode 6 Stories of Climate Resilience from Central Asia
- RUS Roots July 2024
- SDG Policy Brief: Biodiversity Conservation
- Shell bankrolls REDD
- Sign-on: World Bank Out of Climate Finance
- Solidarity letter with the Peoples National Agricultural Strike convened by the Colombian people
- Solidarity with the two climate spokespersons Stine Gry and Tannie Nyboe
- Staking claim to our future: Women in Sustainable Development
- Statement on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s recommendation to include sustainability in the Guidelines
- Statement to the African regional meeting of the 2013 World Economic Forum
- STATEMENT: To confront the climate emergency we need to dismantle the WTO and the free trade regime
- Stop the Destruction of Forests and Lands for Wood-based Bio-energy
- Submissions to the Convention of Biodiversity
- Sustainable Energy for All – Or Sustained Profits for a Few?
- Sustainable Energy for All Initiative – Energy expansion at any cost − Reflections on the UN “Sustainable Energy for All Day, 20th June –
- The Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD)
- The Biggest Land Grabbing in Africa – PROSAVANNA
- The Devastating Plantation Plans of the World Bank Forest Investment Program
- The Food-fuel Conundrum – Have We Been Bio-fooled?
- The Global Forest Coalition supports the Free West Papua Campaign
- The government has taken sides in the struggle to save the Ojnare forest (Sweden)
- The Luna talks?
- The Missing Delegate at Cancún: Indigenous Peoples
- The Republic of Paraguay is in Crisis – To National and International Public Opinion
- The UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service Interviews GFC’s Executive Director Simone Lovera
- Thousand solutions to climate change!
- Tianjin letter to governments
- Tiger Reserves: The Realities Behind a Controversy
- TIPNIS UPDATES: What is Going on in Evo’s Plurinational State?
- To Reclaim Our Future, We Must Change the Present – Our Proposal for Changing the System and not the Climate
- Turning Forests into Fuel for the New ‘Bio-economy?’: What Really Happens When Forests are Commodified-Voices From Around The World
- UK Alleges it will Address Drivers of Climate Change – but Aims to Subsidise a Massive Expansion of Wood-based Biomass Industry
- UN Intersessional Report: How will the Green Economy affect women?
- Union des africains contre la nouvelle forme de colonialisme: Né le nouveau réseau contre REDD
- United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF10)
- Update from the climate talks: Spot the differences between IPCC and IPCC on renewables
- Updates on REDD+ Negotiations in Bangkok
- US Public Overwhelmingly Rejects Genetically Engineered Trees
- Victory for Developing countries over Northern business interests
- Warsaw must turn its back on corporate interests and their push for failed carbon markets
- Wednesday, the 21st of September – International Day of Struggle against Monoculture Tree Plantations
- Western Victorian Koala Wipeout and its Relation to FSC Certification Schemes
- What is behind the “responsible” soy label? Detective Pig finds out
- When Hope Avenges Mistrust
- Why was the world’s biggest biomass power station closed down – and what does this mean for forests?
- Wilmar’s No Deforestation policy tested by latest abuses by PT Asiatic Persada
- Women and gender NGOs at COP 18 to hold “not in my name action” demand “fierce urgency and ambition now”
- Women at CSW57 Confronting Unsustainable Development
- Women’s Caucus Opening Statement at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Women’s Intervention at the High Level Segment at CDB-COP11
- Women’s Major Group Intervention at the 2nd Meeting of the Open Working Group of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Women’s Major Group Members at Rio+20 Call for End to Nuclear Power and Support for Safe Energy at Rio+20
- Wood Bioenergy: Green Land Grabs for Renewable Energy
- Working paper: The risks of large-scale biosequestration in the context of Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Workshop on Agriculture and Soils with African Peasant Communities: the Biochar ‘fiasco’ in Cameroon
- World Bank Must End Support for Honduran Palm Oil Company Implicated in Dozens of Murders
- World’s Largest Wood Power Station Approved in the UK will Threaten Climate and Forests
- WTO’s Midnight Deal is its last-ditch attempt to salvage itself, says IPA
- Информационный бюллетень «Корни», ноябрь 2020: ГЛК – сегодня 20 лет!
- Allies against Unsustainable Livestock
- Biomyths: The costly carbon scam of bioenergy
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- What's at steak? The real cost of meat
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- Global Forest Coalition at CBD COP16 Real Solutions, Not False Promises
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- Trade in genetic resources
- Biodiversity offsets in Paraguay
- Bioprospecting in Costa Rica
- Carbon sinks in Colombia
- Certification in South Africa
- Ecotourism in India
- Life as Commerce Toolkit