Appel à l’action: joignez-vous pour ensemble nous opposer aux solutions basées sur la nature et à la tentative d’éco-blanchir la Journée internationale pour la Diversité biologique

Le 22 mai est la Journée internationale pour la Diversité biologique et cette année, la Convention des Nations Unies sur la Diversité biologique (CDB) a choisi pour thème «Nos solutions sont dans la nature». De toute évidence, on fait ainsi référence aux solutions basées sur la nature (SbN), qui gagnent en popularité en tant que stratégie pour mitiger le changement climatique et la perte de biodiversité. Les SbN ont acquis un grand momentum au cours des dernières années. Malheureusement, le concept a été déformé par le monde des affaires, les gouvernements et les organisations inter-gouvernementales afin de cataloguer faussement de «vertes» des pratiques très discutables et dommageables.
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#OurNatureIsNotYourSolution aims to denounce false solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises and the corporate capture of policy-making. International day for Biological Diversity is especially important this year because it marks the end of the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan on Biodiversity and its 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the end of the 2011-2020 United Nations Decade on Biodiversity.
We are asking our member groups and allies to join us in a social media campaign to oppose many of the false solutions and greenwashing attempts that shelter under the NBS umbrella, and to showcase ecosystem-based, community-led and gender-responsive approaches that are of far more benefit to the climate, biodiversity and communities.
As part of this campaign, we are launching a special NBS edition of our magazine Forest Cover (sign up to our email list and be the first to receive it on the 22nd!), written in collaboration with our member groups. Forest Cover highlights how hype around NBS is being used as cover for pushing forest offsets, monoculture tree plantations and other false solutions, and also provides examples of the real solutions that our members in Colombia, Ghana, Nepal, Panama, Paraguay and Sri Lanka are engaged in.
We would love it if you could help us spread the word and amplify this campaign: join us on May 22nd to defend ecosystems and the people that depend on them from carbon markets, forest offsets and industrial tree plantations!
Our social media pack has everything you need to get involved in the campaign.