UNEA side event: food, forests & climate change

1600-1730, the Green Tent, UNEA Nairobi
Description: To explore the impact of industrial animal agriculture on deforestation, biodiversity loss and climate change, and innovative solutions to production and consumption patterns to reduce this impact and transition to sustainable food systems.
Panelists: moderated by Janice Cox and Jessica Bridgers (World Animal Net)
- Dr Dennis Makau, Africa Network for Animal Welfare
- Duncan Williamson, Compassion in World Farming
- Isis Alvarez, Global Forest Coalition
- Raphael Podselver, ProVeg International
- Seth Goldman, Beyond Meat (video presentation)
- Zitouni Ould-Dada, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Sponsored by: The Women’s Major Group, World Animal Net, Compassion in World Farming, Global Forest Coalition, Brighter Green, ProVeg International, Africa Network for Animal Welfare, Good Food Institute