Le désinvestissement de la #BigBadBiomass dans la région de l’Asie-Pacifique

Le 21 octobre marque la Journée internationale d’action sur la biomasse à grande échelle. À cette occasion, des groupes de la société civile de la région Asie-Pacifique organiseront un webinaire sur les impacts de la biomasse forestière à l’échelle industrielle, et les raisons pour lesquelles les banques multilatérales de développement et d’autres institutions ne devraient pas y investir.
October 21st marks the International Day of Action Against Big Biomass and civil society groups from the Asia-Pacific region will be hosting a webinar on the impacts of industrial-scale forest biomass, and why multilateral development banks and other institutions should not be investing in it.
The world over, there is increasing concern over big biomass and other forms of bioenergy. Their classification as renewable energy is promoting the burning of trees at a time when we should urgently protect forests and reduce carbon emissions. Alongside a big push from the International Energy Agency (IEA), multilateral funding institutions are using both public and private funds to invest in burning trees, which is resulting in a loss of forests and biodiversity.
The webinar will include short presentations from the major producers and exporters of wood pellets in the region—Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam—as well as the major importers— Japan and South Korea—and will describe the impacts of biomass co-firing, pellet production, deforestation and air pollution and emissions linked to biomass energy generation. The highlight of the webinar will be the launch of a divestment campaign against #BigBadBiomass, targeting the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Please register here.