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COP 16 Events

COP 16 Conférences de presse et événements parallèles du GFC

Compensations et crédits biodiversité : examen des risques et des défis

Zone Bleue, Malpelo – Salle de réunion du Contact Group 1, Place Un
Cet événement parallèle réunira des expert.e.s de différentes organisations de la société civile qui proposeront une analyse approfondie des lacunes et des risques des marchés de la biodiversité.

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Entreprises, biodiversité et finance : Paix ou conflit avec la nature ?

Zone Bleue, Chiribiquete – Salle de réunion Asie et Pacifique, Plaza One

Lors de cet événement parallèle, nous évaluerons les différentes propositions faites par des entreprises et d’autres acteurs ayant des intérêts particuliers pour contribuer à la Paix avec la Nature.

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mardi, 22 October


Événement parallèle à la COP 16: Une approche sensible au genre et fondée sur les droits pour mettre fin à la perte de biodiversité

22 Oct 2024
Zone Bleue, Pavillon de la Colombie, Cali, Colombie

Rejoignez-nous pour un événement parallèle engageant qui mettra en lumière le rôle crucial des femmes, des jeunes, des Peuples Autochtones et des communautés locales et afro-descendantes pour mettre fin à la perte de biodiversité et faire progresser l’action transformatrice.

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Événements des Membres et Alliés de GFC

Lundi, 21 October

Business, Biodiversity and Finance: Peace or Conflict with Nature?

CBD Alliance – Monday, 21 October, 13:20 – Blue Zone: Chiribiquete, Asia and the Pacific room

Biodiversity Offsets and Credits: examining risks and challenges

TWN | GYBN | FOE | GFC – Monday, 21 October, 18:00 – Blue Zone: Malpelo, Contact Group 1 room


mercredi, 23 October

Women’s Land, Coastal and Water Rights: From Global Commitments to Local Actions

CBD Women Caucus | ILC | ICCA Consortium | and others – Wednesday, 23 October, 11:40 – Blue Zone: Cocuy, Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room’

Breaking Ground on Youth Indicators for Biodiversity

GYBN | UNESCO – Wednesday, 23 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Mavecure, Business and Industry Organizations room

Climate geoengineering and biodiversity – why the CBD needs to affirm precaution

ETC Group | HBF | TWN | IEN | CIEL | CoA  – Wednesday, 23 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Cano Cristales, CEE room

Current guidance on risk assessment with focus on gene drive organisms is unfit for purpose

ENSSER | TWN | EcoNexus | VDW – Wednesday, 23 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Nuqui, Academia & Research room


jeudi, 24 October

Look Before We Leap: Why the CBD Needs Horizon Scanning, Monitoring and Assessment

EcoNexus | ETC Group | CBD Women Caucus – Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Sanquianga, GRULAC

Biodiversity and Climate Change: when policies collide

FOE | ECONEXUS – Thursday, 24 October, 15:00 – Blue Zone: Paramos, NGO room

Incentives for Target 22: Spotlighting Investor-ready Youth-led Solutions Towards Effective Implementation of the Biodiversity Plan in Africa

GYBN Africa | IUCN  – Thursday, 24 October, 16:30 – Blue Zone: Cocuy, Marie Khan Women’s Caucus room


Lundi, 28 October

Why development banks must stop financing factory farming

Green zone – Monday, 28 October – Stop Financing Farming Coalition, Global Forest Coalition


Événements sur le genre


Side event “Gender-responsive and Rights-based Approach to Halt Biodiversity Loss: Peoples’ Solutions to Save the Planet”

Organized by the Global Forest Coalition (GFC)

October 22, 2024

Blue zone, Colombia pavilion 

Time: 10:30 am – 11:15 am

More information here.


Young ecofeminists: celebrating grassroots women and feminist frontline defenders

Organized by Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) International / The Netherlands 

October 22, 2024

Green Zone, Cámara de Comercio de Cali – Auditorio Principal, Cll. 8 #3-14, Centro, Cali, Valle del Cauca

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm

More information here.


Side event Women’s Land, Coastal and Water Rights: From Global Commitments to Local Actions 

Organized by CBD Women Caucus | ILC | ICCA Consortium | COOPESOLIDAR | RRI | EcoMaxei | FARN | RWI | GNHRE | TINTA | WWF | WM-GATC 

October 30, 2024

Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room

Plaza One

More information here.  


Side event Enhancing Support for IP&LC-Led Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Forests to Sustain Water Cycles: Policy Action and Best Practices for Integrating Human Rights-based and Gender-responsive Approaches 

Organized by the Green Livelihoods Alliance: IUCN NL, Gaia, NTFP-EP, FoEI, Tropenbos, Global Forest Coalition (GFC), A Rocha Ghana, Savia Bolivia.

October 31, 2024


Blue Zone, Netherlands Pavilion

Actions des peuples